· Baby? ·

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Alyssa's POV


I wake up to the sound of someone crying. 

I sit up in bed and try to figure out where the terrible noise is coming from. The crying is soft, yet high pitched. The cries sound like their going to get worse if I don't go and do something about it, so I get out of bed and walk out of my room. I make my way downstairs and towards the guest room where the crying is coming from. 

I open the door and gasp, feeling my heart jump at the sight of it. A baby lies on the bed, wrapped in a blanket and crying its eyes out. The baby's eyes are closed and its small body makes me think it's a newborn. 

I reach out to hold the baby and try to rock it to sleep, but the baby sits up by itself and stares me right in the eyes. I jump back, suddenly afraid. 

"Mama," it whimpers, holding its arms up. "Mama, hold me!"


I wake with a start, panting heavily as I push myself against the headboard of my bed. I run a hand through my hair and let my eyes dart around the room before coming back to my bed. There's no baby anywhere and the crying seems to have stopped. 

I look at myself in my mirror and sigh. It's only a dream. 

I let myself crumble and fall to tears. I bury my face in my hands and sob quietly, thinking of how I'm going to tell the twins about the maybe baby in my stomach. The thought of Ethan and Grayson's disappointed faces make me feel sick.


I look up and see Grayson in the doorway. His chest is bare and he's wearing sweats, indicating that he's just gotten out of bed. As soon as he sees my face, he frowns.

"Angel, what's wrong?"

I shake my head and Grayson jogs over to my bed, sitting down next to me. He wraps his arms around me while I sniffle into his chest. Grayson's hand rubs my back slowly. His kindness is hurtful and I have to resist pushing him off. 

"Hey, cmon, stop crying," Grayson says softly, stroking my hair back off my face. "It's okay. You're safe now"

I don't think I am. I really doubt those words are true. 

"Alyssa, what's wrong, sweetheart? Talk to me. What happened?"

"I-I'm fine," I sniff, pulling away from Grayson's hold. 

"You're obviously not fine," Grayson sighs. "You're shaking and you can barely speak. This nightmare must've been scary"

I nod. Definitely scary and way too realistic. 

"Well, good thing nightmares aren't real," Gray chuckles quietly, pressing a kiss to my temple. "Go back to sleep, honey. I'll be here"

Nightmares aren't real? Sure.


The next morning is painful. 

I go down to breakfast and try to keep my eyes from staring at the guest room. I feel like opening it just to check there's no baby, but I know it would be stupid.

I take a seat at the table and pour myself some cereal. I keep my eyes down while Kristina, Ethan and Grayson talk. 

A few minutes later, Kristina says she has to attend a zoom meeting for her work and she leaves the boys and I alone in the kitchen. 

"Aly, you wanna talk about last night?" Grayson asks, gently squeezing my shoulder. 

"No, not really," I reply.

"Cmon, why don't you ever wanna talk about them?" Ethan sighs. "I get that they make you upset, but you'd just feel better if you talked to someone"

"Can we please just drop it?" I ask, looking at the boys who share a confused look. 

"For now," Ethan sighs. "But this conversation isn't over"

"It is for me," I say, looking away. 


It's the afternoon when Grayson calls me down from my room for a movie. I roll my eyes, not wanting to watch a movie. I want to rest and come up with ways to tell the twins I might be pregnant. Maybe I could run away, send a postcard and give birth in the woods? One thing I know for sure is that I don't want to be here when the news is delivered. 

I walk downstairs and smile when I see Lauren is here. Ethan, Kristina and Grayson are on the couch next to her. 

I grudgingly sit down and try to watch the movie.  I shut my eyes halfway through.


A loud sound wakes me up and I sit up on the couch. Lauren, Ethan and Kristina join my confusion as Grayson exits the bathroom, something small in his hand. A first, I think it's a mouse or something, but at a second glance, the pink and white seem familiar. 

"Alright, who's pregnant?" Grayson grins, holding up one of the many pregnancy tests I took yesterday. 

My heart drops as the girls' frown, asking each other. They both say no and the boys frown too. 

"It's gotta be someone. Are you sure, Lauren?" Gray asks, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Honey, I'd know if I was pregnant," Lauren replies, giving him a smile.

Ethan's eyes scan the room and finally fall on me. I try to keep my head down, but I catch his horrified expression. Jeez, it's just a baby, not a bomb.


"I-" I look up and see Grayson pale over. 

Kristina and Lauren stand up, hands over their mouths as they stare at me in shock. 

"You are not pregnant," Grayson growls, shaking his head. "Absolutely not"

"Saying that won't make it go away," I argue.

"You're sixteen, Alyssa! Sixteen!"

"Don't you think I know that?" I retort, burying my face in my hands.

"Grayson, why don't we go calm down?" Lauren says gently, pushing him towards the back door. 

Ethan looks at me and is about to say something when he falls to the floor. Grayson and Lauren come back, Kristina patting Ethan's face to wake him up. 

I just keep to myself and curl into a small ball on the living room couch. I feel awful. The boys sound and look so disappointed. I know Grayson would've been shouting at me if the girls weren't here. 

Hell, I'm probably getting kicked out. 


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