· Siblings Suck ·

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Sorry if this chapter is shitty. I'm just not feeling myself at the moment which really sucks because I want to create good content for you all. You guys are amazing for supporting my shitty upload schedule :( thank you for all the support as usual. 


Alyssa's POV


"Be good and listen to Ethan and Kris," Gray says, throwing a pile of folded clothes into his suitcase.

I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him when he turns his back. 

Grayson and Lauren are going to Hawaii for a romantic trip this weekend. That means I'm stuck in the house with Ethan and Kristina which kinda sucks. Kristina's very nice, but a bit too nice and boring. Ethan's been stricter with me recently so I'm not excited about the weekend. Especially not knowing what my mouth will say to get me in trouble. 

"I'm serious," Grayson sighs, turning around to face me lying on his bed. "Lauren needs a break from her personal life and her sick grandmother. I'm determined to make this a great trip and I don't need to hear Ethan talk about your smart mouth while I'm gone, yeah?"

"Fine," I sigh. "I hope you know you're putting me through torture here"

"That's my dramatic kiddo," Grayson grins, ruffling my hair. "Cheer up, Aly. It's only a few days"

"Can I see Noah?" I ask, sitting up while running a hand through my tangled hair. "While you're gone?"

Grayson nods. "Of course. Just remember to be home by curfew and tell Ethan when you're going out, yeah?"

"Yeah," I reply. 

Gray zips up his suitcase and rolls it into the living room. I follow him and sigh when I see Lauren there already ready with her cute palm tree suitcase. Once Grayson's checked his bag three times, he gives me a hug goodbye and tells me to be a good girl while he's gone one more time. 

I roll my eyes and hug Lauren next. Ethan and Kristina hug them too and when Gray's car pulls out of the driveway, Kristina turns to face me with a smile. 

"So, what do you want to do this weekend?"

I shrug and sit on the living room couch. "I'm seeing Noah later, tomorrow and Sunday. I won't be home a lot"

Ethan frowns. "You didn't ask me"

"I asked Grayson," I reply with a yawn. "He said I could as long as I'm back by curfew"

"You still didn't ask me though," Ethan says, raising an eyebrow. "I'm your parent too, you know?"

"So?" I huff, starting to get annoyed at his useless comments. "I asked Gray and he said yes"

"Well, I'm saying no"


"Alyssa, you're acting like I'm locking you up!" Ethan chuckles, sitting next to me.

"You might as well be doing so!" I groan. "I want to see Noah!"

"Yeah, you can pick a day and time to go see him, but you won't be there all day every day with Noah either"

"Why not?" I whine, feeling myself get worked up with emotion and frustration. 

"Because y'all spend too much time together! You're my sister, honey. I actually live with you and Noah still sees more of you"

"Not my fault," I mutter.

Kristina walks into the kitchen to grab a drink and Ethan frowns.

"Why are you getting so upset?" Ethan sighs. "I'm not that bad to hang out with, surely?"

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