• Awkward Conversations •

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Grayson's POV

Alyssa is sexually active.

I sit at the kitchen table and run my hand through my hair, the other scratching my beard. I cant stomach the thought of Alyssa and Noah having sex. It's weird and uncomfortable.
Now I'm going to have to talk to her. Im not looking forward to it. I'm also not looking forward to telling Ethan. He's going to flip his lid. Lose his shit. Kill Noah.

"I'm home!"

I wince at Alyssa's voice echoing through the front hallway and take a deep breath. It's hard to picture my little sister as anything but a cute and innocent twelve year old girl. Now she's a sexually active, boy crazed teenager who wears eyeliner and leaves condom packets in her bedroom.
Dear lord, please help me. 

"Hey," Aly smiles, walking into the kitchen and pouring herself a glass of water.

"Hey " I reply. "How was your walk?"


As she's about to leave, I sigh and clear my throat.

"Alyssa, come here a sec"

She turns around and looks surprised at my sudden need for her to take a seat.
She sits across from me at the table and I sigh, hoping to forgive myself later on.

"I-" I stop and chuckle with embarrassment. I think this is more humiliating for me than her.

Without speaking, I delve into my pocket and bring out a plastic bag encasing the sticky condom wrapper. I put it on the table like a piece of evidence at an interrogation and look as Alyssa's eyes change from bright to dull. I can see her start to shake.

"T-that's not mine. It's Ethan's"

I can almost laugh at the blatant lie. Alyssa looks so upset and I suddenly wonder what would've happened if I hadn't been doing the laundry.

"Alyssa, don't lie to me," I sigh, regaining the seriousness and severity in my tone. "I know this is yours. Why would Ethan's be in your room?"

Alyssa doesn't answer the question and just looks down. When she looks back up, tears stream down her face and she sniffs.
Maybe she is feeling more humiliated that I am right now.

"I'm s-sorry," she mumbles. "It won't happen again, Grayson, I promise"

"Hey, don't cry. I'm not mad," I say calmly, "I'm just worried"

"About what?" She asks, nibbling her frail nails.

"I'm worried that you weren't ready and that a special someone pushed you into doing it?"

Alyssa's eyes go wide before replying.

"Noah didn't push me to do it. If anything, I initiated it and-"

I bury my face in my hands. "Alyssa, I did not need that image!"

"Sorry," she chuckles quietly.

I rub my face and send Alyssa a soft smile.

"Honey, I'm not mad, okay? Sex is a natural beautiful thing that happens when two people love each other" I suddenly pause. "Do you love him? Do you think he was the right person?"

"I think I love him....I think I did it with the right guy too"

"Then that's all that matters" I say, patting her hand comfortingly to stop her shaking.

"Can I go now?" she sighs, going right red.

"Hang on," I sigh too. "Listen, I'm glad that you used protection and everything and where careful"

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