Chapter 98

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Alyssa's POV


"I wished we lived here," I sigh, shutting my eyes and letting the soft New Jersey breeze brush through my hair and eyelashes. "It'd be so nice"

I open my eyes and slowly lower my legs into the pool. Ethan and Grayson are already in it, swimming back and forth doing exercise. Ethan stops to flick some water at me and laughs when I glare at him.

"It would be great to live here," Grayson smiles, looking around grandma's big garden. "It would be nice to help grandma out more, but unfortunately all our work is in LA and so is your school"

"We'll be here all summer though," Ethan says, pulling my leg a little. "We're not leaving for a long time"

"I know," I sigh. "But when that day comes it'll suck"

Grayson nods and cracks a smile. "It will. But while we have the time let's just relax and have fun. Get in here!"

I shake my head and narrow my eyes at Ethan who swims up to me, shark-like.

"Don't get my shirt wet," Grayson warns, eyeing Ethan and I.

I hug Grayson's white shirt around me and stick my tongue out at Ethan.

"If you pull me in, Grayson will kill you for the shirt"

Ethan rolls his eyes. "I could give less shits about Grayson's shirt"

Grayson has a weird attachment to this shirt. It's plain white but I guess I can understand. It's soft and comfortable I always steal it. I also wear it over my bikini because I'm still a little self-conscious about my body. It's oversized and it covers everything to mid-thigh up.

"Take off the shirt and get in!" Ethan chuckles.

"I will," I laugh.

"Stop pestering the poor girl!"

I turn around and see grandma making her way towards us with a tray of lemonade and slices of lemon cake. Her sunglasses are on and her curly grey hair shines in the sunlight. Her smile makes me smile and I stand up to help her.

"How's it going out here?" grandma asks, eyeing the boys in the pool. "Emma said she'll be out soon. I think she's talking to her parents"

Ethan lifts himself out of the pool and grabs a towel, Grayson doing the same thing.

"I tried a new recipe," grandma says, handing me a plate of lemon cake. "I need you to tell me if it's good"

I take the plate and cut off the tiniest corner before taking a bite. It's amazing, like all of grandma's cooking.

"It's good," I say, setting the plate down on the clear table.

Grayson raises an eyebrow at me. "Is that all you're going to have?"

I nod and wrap my arms around my body, flattening the shirt against my skin. I feel a blush when grandma tuts.

"You're all skin and bones, Alyssa"

She doesn't elaborate and neither does Grayson They know how self-conscious I am. Ever since the twins and I came down to New Jersey I've put on a bit of weight.
Ethan, on the other hand, has no problem gaining weight. He digs into his cake happily and I wish I could do that.

Ethan's POV

"I think Emma wants to talk to you," Grayson says, nodding towards the house behind me.

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