Chapter 46

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Alyssa's POV

"Alyssa! Hurry up!"

"I'm going!" I call back.

I roll my eyes and try to even out my eyelashes and the amount of mascara on each one. The stick slides across my hand as I try to close the tube and I groan. I wash the thick black goop off my hands and dry them on my jeans as I jog downstairs.

"Oh finally!" Ethan exclaims. "I was starting to think you were dead"

I roll my eyes once more. "Yeah, yeah of course"

"Okay let's go" Grayson says, opening the door for me.


Grayson parks in grandma's driveway and we get out of the car.
The door opens and grandma comes out, smiling. She looks so cute with her apron on.

"My babies!"

I chuckle and hug her tightly. She hugs me back and then says hello to the twins. After, she leads us into her house and sits us down in the living room with drinks while she goes to check on dinner.

I set my glass of water on the table and look around. Everything looks the same but feels different. Almost more spacey. The twins are oblivious though and continue talking about whatever it is they're talking about. I stand up and walk to the other side of the room. Somethings missing.

Grandma walks back into the living room and sits down, asking the boys about YouTube.

"Hey, grandma?" I say, frowning as my fingers glide over the empty mantel piece.


"Where did the pictures go?"

I look back and see her frowning. "I don't know, sweetie. Come sit here and talk with us"

"The pictures" I say again. "Of grandpa and dad? Where did they go?"


"Where are they?"

Grandma sighs and stands up. "Dinner should be ready now"

She looks uncomfortable as she walks into the kitchen. The twins sigh and also stand up.

"Alyssa" Grayson sighs. "Come on"

"The pictures" I say. "They're gone!"


I stop at the sound of Ethan's firm tone and sigh, following them into the dining room. We all sit and eat. I keep quiet the whole time.

When it's time to leave, grandma hugs us quickly and ushersus outside. I can't ignore the horrible feeling in my stomach at the sight of grandma's teary eyes.



I take my coat off and hang it up by the front door, the twins turning on the lights and taking their own coats off.

"I'm not wrong about the pictures, right?"


"The pictures! Grandma removed them, right? I'm not wrong?"

Ethan sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Aly, enough with the damn pictures"

"But it's weird!"


"I mean why? What did the pictures do to her?"

"Alyssa, go to bed" Ethan sighs.

"Did they mock her? Did they rearange her abc recipe collection?"

"Alyssa, grandma's deeply hurt by grandpa's death and dad's disappearance. It both shocks and upsets me that you could make a joke out of that, considering how much you love grandma. Now go upstairs and go to bed"

Ethan walks into his bedroom and slams the door. Grayson sighs and tells me to go upstairs. I comply and walk upstairs. I brush my teeth and get into bed, the abscence of those pictures irritating me.

I guess I miss them subconciously. Having a picture of dad at grandma's seemed reassuring. Not here, at the twins's house because that'd be weird and make me feel uspet, but at grandma's. At least I know he's always there. In picture form, at least.

I roll over in bed and let my fingers dance across the wall, my thoughts wondering. I suddenly feel a pang of loss in my heart and I don't know why it hurts so much.

"You're thinking too loud again"

I sit up in bed, my eyes darting to my doorway. Grayson's leaning against the frame, his eyes fixed on me, his arms folded.

I sigh and he walks in. He sits next to me on my bed and tells me to lay down.


"I can't, Gray"

He strokes my hair and squeezes my hand. "What's up?"

"I hate that I hurt grandma"

He sighs. "Alyssa-"

"I didn't mean too, you know? I was just curious"

"That seemed to really tip you off" Gray says.

"It did!" I sit up again and lean against my headboard. "It was weird. Those photos have always been there and now? Gone!"

Grayson sighs and pats the bed. I slide down under the duvet and rest my head on the pillow. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it, baby. Now go to sleep. You've got school tomorrow"

He kisses my forehead and walks towards my door.


"Goodnight" I reply.

He flicks the lights off and closes my door. However, the thoughts don't stop and I have a feeling I won't be having my usual eight hour sleeping pattern.


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