Chapter 52

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Alyssa's POV- 6:30 am



"Mmm," I groan.

They chuckle softly and shake my shoulder gently. I open an eye and see it's Grayson. I sit up when I realize he's fully dressed and ready.

"Get up. We have a meeting"

I nod and shut my eyes, waving him away. I yelp when I feel my blanket being pulled off me. It's freezing!


He laughs and shakes his head, holding my blanket.

"You're not getting this back until you get up and get in that shower" he points to my bathroom.


I get up and rub the shit out of my eyes, my vision blurred. Gray leaves and I grudgingly turn on the shower, waiting for it to heat up.

I get in and wash my hair and body. After, I get out, blow dry my hair and get dressed. I pull on black jeans, a white crop top and some heeled black boots. I would rather wear sweatpants but the twins say it's not "professional"
Fuck professional, I wanna be comfortable!

I do my makeup and hair and actually feel like I look okay. I curled my hair and tried a new makeup look. It all seems to tie together though so I decide I'm done and walk downstairs.

"Morning," I say, walking into the kitchen.

"Morning, little miss sunshine" Gray smirks.

I sit down at the breakfast bar and pick up a piece of bacon that's sitting on a plate in front of me. It's crispy and perfectly salty, just like bacon should be.

"Ethan's still in the shower," Gray says. "He better hurry up"

I take another piece of bacon from the plate and almost drop it when Grayson yells for Ethan.

"Damn, Gray! Not so early in the morning!" I groan, glaring at him.

He smiles. "It's cute that you think this is early"

After meeting
1:00 pm

"Oh, finally!" I exclaim, running outside. "Freedom! God, that was boring"

The twins shush me as someone from our meeting walks out of the building. They fix me with a sniff and a look. The "businessman" look.
Once he's gone, the twins start laughing. We get in Ethan's Jeep and drive back home.
I realize after fifteen minutes that we're still in the city which is weird.

"Aren't we going home?" I ask, leaning forward and putting my hands on either side of Ethan's seat.

"Sorry, no. Emma invited us over to film a video"

"Oh ok"

I sit back and try to keep a smile on my face. Things between Emma and I are rocky, to say the least. I still haven't completely forgiven her for what she did to Ethan but I also wanna be friends again. It's at an awkward stage right now and I don't know how to fix it.

Ethan parks in Emma's apartment parking and we get out. I haven't been here in a long time.

The elevator ride up consists of after meeting chatting and I zone myself out for a little until we reach Emma's floor. The metal doors slide open and the elevator makes a dingy noise. Ah fuck here we go.

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