Chapter 29

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Ethan's POV

I wake up the next morning with a fulfilled feeling. Like I had reached the point where I could get out of bed and smile. I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth, smiling at my reflection. Today is going to be a good day and I refuse to spend it any other way. I take my shirt off and start the shower, my fingers getting wet while I determine what temperature I want.
After my shower, I walk back into my room and see Alyssa sleeping peacefully. She's curled up into a little ball like she used to do when she was little. Adorable.
Picking out some black shorts, I top it off with a loose white tank and my air forces. I pull my socks up, halfway up my calves and decide to wake Alyssa up.
"Aly" I whisper.
She doesn't move.
"Aly?" I say.
She still won't move and I sigh.
I shake her shoulder, resulting a groan and a fist in my stomach. I laugh since she's pretty weak and it probably just grazed me.
"Cmon. You gotta get up now"
Alyssa shakes her head no and snuggles back into bed, snoring.
"It's eleven, sweetie. Wake up"
I laugh as she stands up, her hair looking like a birds nest.
"Go hit the shower, Sasquatch," I say, stifling a laugh while she glares at me.

She walks out of my room so slowly that I swear she looks like the demon with messy black hair, all dressed in white from the conjuring.

Alyssa's POV

I comb out my damp hair from the shower and sigh at how much hair there is. It's waist length and looks pretty, but sometimes I just want to take a pair of scissors and crop it up to my shoulders. I won't though. I'm too scared.

knock knock

"Come in," I say.

Grayson walks in and smiles at me.

"Well good morning! Ethan said it was impossible to get you up"

I chuckle and face my mirror again, applying concealer under my eyes. Grayson sits on my bed and sighs looking out the window.

"What's up?" I ask, opening my eyeshadow palette and dipping my brush into a light shade.

"This whole thing with Emma and Ethan is just so strange" he sighs. "I never thought that they'd break up"

I drop my brush and it clatters on my makeup table, dusting the white paint with a burnt cinnamon shade.

"A full break up? Like, not even a break?"

Grayson nods.

"That's rough..." I sigh.

I pick up my brush and finish one eye, starting on the other.

"It sucks because Emma was such a good friend"

"Was?" I turn around in my chair. "You're seriously not dumping her too are you? After James?"

"I already told you," he sighs. "Being friends with James from the beginning was risky, a risk Ethan and I couldn't take. YouTube is our career, honey. If that goes bust because of some stupid scandal then it's game over. We couldn't risk everything we had built, Alyssa"

I nod sadly. It broke my heart when the twins told me that James would no longer be in our videos or in our lives. Now Emma too?

"Emma's different" I whisper, tears welling up at how all the good times I'd imagined with Emma would get thrown out the window.

Grayson sighs and walks over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. He looks at me in the mirror and his lips form a sad smile.

"I know we'd like to think that but it's for the best, to move on"

"You guys keep saying that but I don't get it" I mumble, tears threatening to spill.

"And that's okay" he sighs, wiping away my stray tear with his thumb. "You'll get it one day when you're older and have to deal with these things"

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