· Nightmares ·

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Alyssa's POV


"How's it going?"

I open my eyes and raise a hand to shield my eyes from the June sun. Emma's standing next to me, two iced coffee's in her hands and sunglasses perched on her nose. 

"Good," I smile, taking one of the coffees. "Thanks"

Emma sits on the sun lounger besides mine and stretches out, sighing.

"It is so frickin hot! Maybe I can finally get a beautiful tan like yours"

I laugh and look down at my arms and legs. They glow brown in the sun and I suddenly realize how tanned I've gotten since being here in NJ. 

I shrug. "Grayson's more tanned"

Emma nods and fixes her bikini top. "Ethan's been outside all week and he's still white as snow"

I laugh and shake my head. "I think he's incapable of getting a tan"

I pinch the metal straw between my fingers and take a sip of the cold iced coffee. It refreshes my tongue and isn't overly sweet. Perfect. 

Emma unbuttons her shorts and throws them on the floor before climbing down the pool ladder and into the water. She laughs and splashes me when I refuse to get in. 

"Alyssa! just get in!"

I laugh and shake my head. "Not unless you turn around"

Emma sighs and rolls her eyes but turns around. I tie my hair up, take off my shirt and slowly enter the pool. Emma turns back around and shakes her head.

"I don't get why you're so insecure about your body. People would pay good money to have boobs and a waist like yours"

"Emma!" I hiss, feeling a smile of embarrassment slip onto my face. 

"I know I would!"

I roll my eyes and smile when Grayson exits the house and starts walking towards us. He's smiling widely and I can tell he's in a good mood. 

"Aly, I need to tell you something," he says, nodding towards the sun loungers. 

He sits and I quickly grab a towel, wrapping it around my waist. I sit on the chair opposite him and listen as he starts to speak. 

"Calvin Klein reached out and they wanted you to model for their new underwear launch"

I raise an eyebrow. "You and Ethan are going to let me be photographed in underwear?"

Grayson laughs and shakes his head. "Obviously not"

"Okay, good," I say. "I don't think I'd even be comfortable with that"

"Which is why Ethan and I explained to them about your worries and boundary lines," Gray continues. "They want you in jeans and the bra. The jeans, they say, will be unbuttoned a little but you'll still have them on so you don't need to worry about too much skin. They assured Ethan and I that it'll be a respectable shoot and if you feel uncomfortable at any time then they will fix that issue"

"Will you guys be there?" I ask, biting my thumbnail and thinking it over. 

Gray smiles softly. "Ethan and I will take you there but we have a meeting afterwards so Emma will stay. We'll come to get you girls after. Is that okay? I know you would like us to be there and we can reschedule our meeting if you want"

Grayson's eyes are soft and he knows how anxious I get when it comes to brand deals in swimsuits and underwear, but it's Calvin Klein. Someone huge wants me as their model. Jeez, I can't turn this down. Plus, I'll have jeans on. 

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