Chapter 10

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Where am I?


What's that sound?


hello? Wtf


I don't like this


"Has she moved?"



"How is she, doc?"


"Luckily she didn't lose too much blood" someone who must be the doctor sighs. "I'd keep her away from sharp objects for a while. At least until she starts to feel better. You got lucky here boys"

"Thanks, doc" Gray says.

I feel his signature touch as he runs his hands through my hair. I missed that.

"Fuck, dude" I hear Ethan say. "We could've lost her"

"I know"Grayson sighs, grabbing my hand. "We ignored her and this...this is the result"

Is he crying? Oh my god, he is. I've never seen or heard Grayson cry before. I suddenly feel guilty. I've caused all this pain.

I hear a door open nearby and the doctors voice again. "She should be waking up soon. Her medicine is wearing off"

"Okay," Ethan says.

The door shuts and I assume the doctor is gone.

"I'm so sorry, angel" Gray whispers, his voice soft and gentle. Good, he stopped crying.

I feel him move my hair onto my shoulder and then braid it. His fingers moving through my hair feels nice and I suddenly feel sleepy.

Grayson's POV

I braid Alyssa's soft brown waves and sigh as her chest moves up and down slowly, breathing calmly. I hate myself for being such an asshole towards her.

I slide her baby blue scrunchie off her bandaged wrist and tie the braided hair in place. I push back some wisps of hair and smile softly. She looks so small and delicate. She's so beautiful, even in pain. I run my thumb over her bandaged wrists, a soft frown replacing my smile. I've never been as scared as that moment I found her lying on the floor, semi-conscious and bleeding, her eyes glazed over. I take her hand and bring it up to my lips where I press a gentle kiss on her small knuckles. I love her so much and I'd hate to think that I could've lost her.

I look over at Ethan and see him staring at the floor. I know he feels worse. He told me he was the last person to talk to her before the incident happened.

"Imma go get coffee" he suddenly says, getting up and wiping away a tear.

My heart becomes heavy. Ethan hates showing that he's upset. He's the one who's afraid to show any type of "weak" emotion. He's my twin, my other half. It hurts to see him so upset.

"Hey" I say.

He looks at me.

"Don't blame yourself"

He shrugs and walks out, shutting the door. I sigh and turn back to Alyssa. Her eyelids twitch and I place my fingers on her cheek.

"Hey, baby" I whisper, stroking her cheek. "It's me, Grayson"

Her eyes open halfway and dart around the room. She suddenly starts to panic, her legs moving under the blanket as if trying to escape.

"Shh shh it's okay, sweetheart," I say softly. "You're okay. You're safe"

Alyssa's POV

"Shh shh it's okay, sweetheart," "You're okay. You're safe"

Hearing Grayson's voice saying those things makes me calm down instantly. He lies down next to me and I put my arms around him, glad he's here. I need him. He rests his chin on top of my head and strokes my hair from the back.

Dolan twins little sisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن