Chapter 99

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Alyssa's POV


"Ethan and I are going out. Help grandma, behave yourself and if I hear you've been having an attitude then we'll be having a long talk later, got it?"

"Got it," I sigh, watching Grayson and Ethan put on their boots to help a farm across town. 

I lean against the stair banister and smile when Ethan pecks my cheek before walking outside. I apologized to Grayson this morning but if I'm being honest it hasn't changed anything. He's still mad at me and there's nothing I can do at this point except obey his every word and command. 

"I mean it," Grayson says, raising an eyebrow at me. "You better be good today"

"I will!" I huff, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. 

"I hope so"

He turns around and walks down the porch steps. I'm surprised and a little hurt that he didn't kiss me goodbye like the other times he's left but I shrug it off. He's mad. Whatever. 

I walk into the kitchen and see grandma mopping the floor, holding her back and wincing. 

"Hey, let me do that," I say, taking the mop from her hands. "Why don't I make you some coffee and you sit down?"

Grandma smiles and pats my cheek. "Thank you, dear. I've been feeling a little weird today"

I switch on the kettle and spoon some coffee grounds into a mug. When the water's ready, I pour it over the ground coffee and splash some milk in. I then serve it to grandma and finish mopping the floors. 

"Honey, I don't mean to bother you but could you feed the horses? My body is really aching"

Grandma's facial expression seems pained and I reach for my phone.

"Do you want me to call Ethan or Grayson?"

She shakes her head. "It's okay, Alyssa"

"Are you sure?" I sigh, feeling a little helpless. "Maybe you should go to the hospital. You've been having pains for a few days now"

"Stop worrying, dear! I'm fine"

I nod and take a pail of horse feed out to the stables. Along the way, I take note that I need to clean out the chicken coop, pigpen, and horse stables. I feel a little bit of anxiety knock against my lungs as I stress about Grayson's list. If I don't get it done today he'll be mad again and I can't deal with another lecture of his. 

While the horses eat I take the time to clean out the stables and go over Gray's list. It's long but I know I can get it done in a few hours. 

Once the horses have been fed, I make the rounds and clean all the animal pens. I do a good job and clean every speck of dirt off the walls, hoping that Grayson will at least talk to me instead of bark at me once he sees the amount of effort I put in to please him. 

I make my way back up to the house at eleven-thirty and sigh when I see grandma vacuuming the living room carpet. 

"Grandma!" I say, shaking my head and taking it from her. "Sit down! You'll strain yourself. Let me do it"

Grandma sighs and takes a seat on the living room couch. As I vacuum, I think about how hard it must be for grandma to keep the house so clean all the time in her state. Plus the farmwork, her days are pretty full. I start to feel the strain on my bones and muscles as I run around doing different chores for grandma. I feel bad for her. 

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