· Some Sorta Feeling·

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Alyssa's POV


I ignore Ethan in the kitchen as I pour myself a cup of coffee. I stare at the wall in front of me intensely, praying that he doesn't try to talk to me. I'm still so so fucking angry and I know I'll be in trouble if I don't control my words properly.

"You still ignoring me?"

I don't reply. I finish the rest of the coffee and then rinse my cup in the sink before placing it in the dishwasher. I walk past Ethan and back upstairs to my room.


Knock knock

"Who is it?" I ask, lowering my laptop screen and pausing Netflix.

My door opens and Ethan walks in. I shut my laptop all the way and bite the inside of my cheek to stop from yelling at him.

"Alyssa, I know you're angry with me but we need to talk and clear some stuff up"

"I don't wanna talk," I grit through my teeth.

"Well I do," Ethan says, taking a seat on my bed. "So please listen"

I roll my eyes and fold my arms, looking away from him.


Ethan sighs and gets comfortable before starting.

"Emma and I have been having issues for a while now. We've been fighting a lot and the relationship wasn't what is was a few months ago. Emma and I broke up that day, you know?"

"Then why did she come over and scream at you?" I ask.

Ethan sighs. "Because I sent her a voicemessage breaking up with her. I'll admit, it wasn't the best move but what could I do? Emma wouldn't let me in her apartment so that was the only way I could tell her. She didn't listen to it and when she came here, I explained why I was with someone else"

"Why were you with that girl then?" I sigh. "How did you find another girl so quick? It was only a day you two were broken up"

Ethan shakes his head. "That girl's name is Kristina, Aly. I've known her for four years and she was in Grayson's music video, remember? Cub Sport? That's how we know each other"

I rest my chin on my knees. This is all making sense but I hate how Ethan seems fine after ending a year-long relationship with Emma. Did he not love her at all? How is this happening? I'm so confused.

"Aly, hon, I know you're upset, but it's time for me and Kristina to start a new chapter"

I look down at my bed and try to stop the tears from falling. Ethan puts his hand on my shoulder and asks if I'm okay. I shake my head no and sigh shakily.

"I'm going to miss her, Ethan"

"I'm going to miss Emma too, Alyssa," Ethan sighs. "But you can still see her and you can meet Kristina too. She's coming to dinner on Saturday"

I suddenly feel anger flare up inside me. I can meet Kristina? I don't wanna meet her. I wanna see Emma and I want Ethan and Emma back together.


Emma was a sister and a mom rolled into one for me. She helped me out when I got my period, she's helped me with boys and relationships and girl advice. Now who am I supposed to ask? Definitely not Kristina, that's for sure.

"Alyssa, what's going through your head?"

"Nothing," I mutter, grabbing my sweater. "I'm going for a walk"

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