· Hate comments ·

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Alyssa's POV

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You should lose more weight

You look ridiculous

What's wrong with your face?

I feel my eyebrows dip into a frown as I scroll down the comments on my latest Instagram post. The majority of the comments are positive but there are some negatives. Harsher then I imagined too. 

Grayson turns around from the stove and smiles at me. I quickly smile back and let it fall when he turns around again. I don't need him or Ethan worrying about Instagram comments. It's stupid anyway. The twins have always taught me to not care about hate or anything, but sometimes it gets to me and I can't help it. 

What bothers me is that it's from the same account. Dixelme_86. Their comments get harsher and harsher as I scroll through. I click on their profile and see a limited following. Their account is dedicated to hating on me!

Their bio says "Alyssa Dolan is cancelled" and they've listed a bunch of things about me that aren't true. Thankfully, I do have people that defend me on my post. I sigh and put my phone down. I can't look at any more comments. 

"Here you go," Gray smiles, sliding a plate of lasagne in front of me. 

It smells absolutely delicious and I begin to tuck in when the little voices in my head start talking. 

You should lose more weight

I take the fork away from my mouth and put it back on the plate. I know I shouldn't care about my weight and blah blah blah but I do. I care too much. 

While Grayson's in the living room, I take the chance to put my piece of lasagne back in the tray. I put my plate and fork in the dishwasher and jog upstairs. I change into leggings and a cropped sports top. I tie my hair up, grab a water bottle and my headphones. I need to go to the gym to prepare for this Calvin Klein shoot. 

I jog downstairs and stop in front of Ethan and Emma who are all loved up. I think they're headed upstairs to do the nasty. 

"Where are you going?" Ethan asks. 

"Gym," I reply. 

He nods and shrugs. "Sex burns more calories"

"I'll say," Emma giggles excitedly and bites her lip. 

"Eughhh gross!" I groan. 

Ethan laughs and they run upstairs like horny teenagers. I roll my eyes and tell Grayson where I'm going before leaving

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"How was the gym?" grandma asks, sat at the kitchen table with Angela and a bread recipe in front of them. 

I notice their hands are covered in dough and their shirts, flour. 

"It was good," I pant, getting a glass and pouring myself some water. "Painful, but good"

"Are you okay?" grandma sighs, getting a worried look in her eyes. "Did you hurt yourself?"

"I got a little dizzy and scraped myself on the treadmill but other than that I'm fine"

"Well don't overdo it at the gym, baby. Too much exercise can be detrimental"

I roll my eyes. She sounds like the twins. 

"Got it," I reply, opening the back door.

I walk towards the pool where Ethan, Emma and Grayson are. Ethma are busy sucking each other's faces off near the steps so I decide to sit next to Grayson who's reading a book.

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