Chapter 94

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Alyssa's POV

My mouth feels dry as if I've been eating sawdust and my head pounds loudly as if someone kept hitting it with a baseball bat. I try to move my body but when I do my bones ache and I can't make a sound.

I open my eyes and look up. My blurry eyes make contact with blinding white lights and I close them again. Pain throbs behind my eyes and I can't seem to detect what it is. All I know is that it's hurting me.

Soft whispering and murmurs catch my attention but I can't really hear what they're saying. I manage to open my eyes again and see I'm in a white bed. The walls around me are painted sky blue and the floor is polished marble. Where the fuck am I?

My eyes dart around the strange empty room and I frown when I see long tubes in my arm pumping clear liquid. I'm in pain and confused, what the fuck is going on?

Tears run down my face without warning and the panic rises in my chest making my stomach knot up tightly. I breathe in slowly and let it out in jagged breaths as my mind tries to find out where I am. I've still got no clue.

The door opens so suddenly it makes me jump but when I see who it is I burst into tears all over again.

"Alyssa, you're awake!"

"G-grandma?" I stutter, hugging her close to me.

She nods against my neck and I close my eyes, not letting go. She rubs my back slowly and makes soft reassuring sounds as I cry into her black sweater. Her scent, her feel and the way she's hugging me so tightly makes me tear up again but I force them back.

Grandma pulls away, still holding me by the shoulders, and takes a long look at me. She looks sad, disappointed and relieved all at the same time.

"Oh, Aly, why would you do something so stupid? Running out late at night to the forest? Do you have any idea how worried I was?!"

She's rambling but I can't seem to remember what happened. She mentions something about a forest and worry but I can't remember.

"What forest?" I ask, feeling my eyebrows dip down into a frown. "What's going on?"

Grandma looks perplexed as her fingers loosen on my shoulders. Tears fill her own eyes and she makes a little whimpering sound.

"Y-you don't r-remember?"

I shake my head no which only seems to hurt it more. I wince and grandma holds a fist to her mouth, big tears dripping down her face.

"Don't cry!" I sigh, feeling helpless. "Please don't cry"

"Alyssa, you truly don't remember anything that happened last night?"

"I really, truly don't"

I look up as a man dressed in a white coat walks in, my brothers trailing behind him. Their eyes widen when they see me awake.

"Alyssa, you're awake!"

"You're awake!"

"Yes, I am awake but I don't know what's going on!" I sniffle, wiping my tears away with my sweater sleeve. "Where the hell am I? What are these tubes? What on earth happened last night? I'm so confused!"

I cry into my hands and the room stays silent. No one bothers to answer my questions and even the man in the white coat looks speechless.

Ethan looks at Grayson before sitting down on my bed, grabbing my hand.

"Alyssa, you're in a hospital right now," Ethan says slowly, his brown eyes holding mine gently. "You ran away last night. An ambulance found you passed out in the forest behind grandma's house"

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