Chapter 24

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Just a quick lil chapter for now. I'll update again tomorrow and trust me I'll try to make it better. Sorry if this sucks but I just needed to get another one out to feel accomplished haha. 

My lungs ache as I take in a long breath. I look over at the other girls and see them bent over, hands on knees, trying to catch their breath too. Damn, coach Novack is really working us hard recently. It doesn't help that it's freezing out. I'm so glad I chose to wear leggings today. I laugh at Carly and Kayleigh who are both in short shorts and crop tops. 

Carly, Kayleigh and I have been getting along really well for the past month. I'd forgotten how nice it was to have girlfriends who I could talk to about boys, bras, periods and any other girl things. 

"C' mon ladies! Move, move, move! My grandma could run faster and she's dead!" coach Novack yells, sitting upon the bleachers. 

"Yeah, easy for her to say" I grumble under my breath. 

"I know right?" Carly sighs, starting to jog next to me. "She's just sitting up there like a fat slob. She's a PE coach, for goodness sakes!" 

"Yeah, they could've at least hired someone who's you know, fit maybe?" Kayleigh groans, slowing down. 

I smile and shake my head. These girls are good for me. I know it.


Having PE last period is the worst. Especially since I have a twenty-minute walk back home afterwards. 


I close the front door behind me and smile at Ethan. "Hey"

I'm out of breath and tired. I'm also in need of some water.

"What happened to you?" Ethan laughs, raising an eyebrow. 

I glare at him and sip some ice-cold water. 

"Coach Novack is really tearing the class apart with her impossible workouts" I sigh. "I'll be lucky if I'm alive by the end of the week"

Ethan rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Why do women have to be so dramatic?"

I roll my eyes and lay down on the floor. The cold tiles feel nice against my hot skin and I open the window. Freezing cold air hits me in the face and I feel better. 

"What are you doing?"

The window gets shut abruptly and Grayson sighs, giving me a look. 

"Alyssa, keep the windows and door closed. It's freezing and I don't need you getting sick"

"But I'm really really really hot, Grayson!" I whine.

"I don't care" he sighs. "Windows stay closed"

I walk towards the couch and roll my eyes. "Why, hello to you too"

"What was that?" Grayson asks, daring me to give him attitude. 

"Nothing," I say sweetly. 

"That's what I thought"

I drop onto the couch and snuggle up to Ethan. He wraps an arm around my waist and kisses the top of my head. 

"Apart from coach Novack attempting to murder you, how was your day?" 

I sigh and rest my head on his stomach. His fingers stroke my hair and I shut my eyes. 

"I'm too lazy to tal-"

I shut my mouth and just stay like that, eyes closed and comfortable in Ethan's arms. He laughs and the sound vibrates, his chest warm under my neck. 

"Homework?" Grayson asks, tapping my shoulder. 

"Finished it in the library"

He sighs but leaves me alone. 

6 pm

I wake up feeling something throb in my stomach. It makes me groan and Ethan looks over at me from the kitchen table where his laptop is out, no doubt, editing the newest Dolan Twins video. 

"You okay?" he frowns. 

"Yeah" I nod, laying back down. 

My stomach turns and I stand up quickly, almost throwing up on the carpet. 


I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. Tears run down my face as I keep going and I feel Ethan's hand on my back. He gathers my hair and ties it up so it doesn't get in the way. Once I'm done, he runs some cold water onto a towel and presses it on my face, relieving the heat in my body. He helps me brush my teeth and rinse, then leads me to the couch. I sit and he makes me a weak tea. I sigh and fall back against the couch. I feel awful. 

"Here," Ethan says gently, passing me a cup of tea. "Drink this. I put a little sugar in it to get your energy up"

"Thanks," I whisper, taking a sip. 

He sits next to me and smooths the hair out of my face. I'm surprised how he leapt into action back there. He usually cringes and backs away when I'm sick, leaving Grayson to deal with it. He hates anything like blood and things that come out of the body. Grayson, on the other hand, doesn't care and just gets the job done. 

"Hey, I'm back!" 

Speak of the devil.

Grayson walks in and frowns when he sees me. I must look super pale and awful. 

"Oh no," he sighs, walking over and putting a hand on my forehead. "Are you sick?"

I curl up and close my eyes, tired as fuck. He sighs and kisses my forehead, stroking my cheek. 

"There you go, sweetheart. Get some rest"

Next Morning

Yay! I don't have to go to school today! I stretch and snuggle down into my pillow, not used to this feeling. I get to sleep in! I close my eyes and sigh happily. 

12 pm

I wake up feeling refreshed but still tired. I lift myself out of bed, my body feeling heavy as I get dressed in black sweats and a long-sleeved light blue shirt. I walk downstairs and see Grayson at the stove, stirring something that smells like chicken soup. Yum. 

"Hey," I yawn, sitting at a kitchen stool. 

Grayson smiles at me. "Hey, baby, how'd you sleep?"

"It was glorious" I sigh happily. "I could get used to sleeping in on a school day"

Grayson chuckles. "Don't you be getting used to this, young lady. As soon as you're better, you're going back to school"

I sigh. "I know, I know"

He ruffles my hair and slides a bottle of medicine over at me. 

"Take a capful of that and then you can eat"

I pour out some liquid into the cap and cringe at the smell. It smells awful. I attempt a sip and gag, almost spitting it out everywhere.

"Alyssa, swallow it quickly," Grayson says, pouring out another capful.

I groan but knock it back quickly and gag again. Grayson hands me a glass of water and I sip it as he pours some soup into a bowl. 

"Here you go," 

"Thanks, Gray"

I dig into the soup and sigh happily as the warmth finds its way through my body. I go in for a second spoonful and groan as my stomach flips. Oh no. I run to the bathroom and throw up, the medicine and soup coming out. 

Oh no. 

I have to retake that god damn medicine. God might as well come and kill me now!

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