Chapter 1

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LA, California
Alyssa's POV

"Alyssa, less attitude please," Ethan says.
"Fine!" I huff, handing him a screwdriver.
He gives me a look before screwing a light bulb into the living room lights.
"Hey!" Gray calls, walking in the front door with groceries. He smiles at us.
"How're the lights going on? They work now?"
I shake my head. "Nope"
"Soon. they'll be ready soon, don't worry"
"In the meantime, Alyssa come eat," Gray says, walking into the kitchen.
"I'm not hungry" I mumble.
"Alyssa! You didn't eat last night and you didn't eat this morning. You have to eat now!" Ethan sighs frustratedly.
I shake my head no. "I'm fine, guys! For real!"
"Alyssa just come eat" Grayson sighs.
"Now. I don't care what you wanna do, okay? Sit down and stop being a baby. Eat something and then you can go do whatever it is you wanna do, but I won't have you using that tone with us in this house, you hear me?" Grayson orders sternly.
"Yes," I say quietly.
I sit down and eat. Grayson breathes out and continues unpacking groceries.


"Alyssa, Emma will be here in a half hour," Ethan says.
I nod and text my best friend Tommy back.
"Are you ignoring me?" Ethan teases.
I roll my eyes and keep texting.
"Alyssa c' mon you know you love me" he winks.
I shrug. I laugh at Tommy's text and reply quickly.
"Alyssa look at me"
I smile down at the screen and laugh out loud. That makes Ethan snap.
"Give me your phone"
I laugh. "Uh no, E"
"Alyssa, give it to me, now!"
He walks over to me and I make a run for it. He chases me down and grabs my phone from my hands.
"Hey!" I protest.
He pockets it and walks away.
"Hey! Excuse me?" I run and stop in front of him.
"Why'd you take my phone?"
"Because it's a distraction" he replies.
"No, it's not!"
"Yes it is" he sighs and shakes his head. "I don't like your tone"
"Well, I don't like your unjust way of dealing with things!" I yell.
"Don't raise your voice at me!"
"Well look who's doing it now? Mixed messages don't ya think?"
"Be quiet!"
"No! Give me my phone!"
"Go to your room"
"Not until you give me my phone, Ethan!"
"I told you to go to your room!" Ethan yells.
He grabs my wrist and walks to my room. He throws me in gently but with force and shuts the door.
"Oww, you hurt me you, idiot!" I yell.
My wrist turns black and blue and I resolve to cry on my bed. Tears of anger and frustration make me scream and punch my pillows. My wrist does actually hurt.

Knock knock
"Go away!" I yell.
Grayson walks in with an ice pack. He walks towards me and presses the ice onto my wrist. He looks mad.
"You're a fourteen-year-old girl, Alyssa! You're way too old to be having these temper tantrums. You and Ethan have been getting into it quite a lot recently"
"He hurt me" I sniff.
Gray sighs. "Yes well, you could both improve on your anger management. You two are exactly the same anger wise"
"I just wanted my phone back" I sigh.
"After that? Nah. Your phone is being taken away for a couple of days. You also need to apologize to Ethan"
I nod and sniffle. He hugs me to his side, sighing.
"Look, I know it's hard. Ethan is very headstrong and you're stubborn as hell" he sighs, rubbing my back. "But you need to apologize to him and make it right, okay? After, we can talk about why you're so uptight"
"No" I sigh, standing up.
Grayson frowns. I breathe and put my hand up to stop the next words coming out of his mouth.
"Sorry. Phrased that badly. I'll apologize to Ethan but I don't wanna talk about how I feel"
I walk out of my room and knock on his door, taking a deep breath.
I open it a little and enter. Ethan turns his phone off when he sees me.
"Hey, come in"
I walk over to his bed and sit next to him. I suddenly burst into tears.
"Hey! Hey! Sweetie?"
He cups his hands around my face as I cry uncontrollably. He looks worried.
"Shhhh come here"
He hugs me close as I cry into his shoulder.
"P-P-Please don't be m-mad at me!" I sob.
He frowns and shakes his head. "Baby, no. I'm not mad at you. Look, I know things can get heated between us but at the end of the day I want you to know that I love you more than anything"
He strokes my hair and smiles fondly at me. "Wipe those tears, sweetheart, because I love you"
"I love you too" I sniff. "I'm sorry about earlier"
"It's alright, honey" he smiles.
"God, I'm a mess" I scoff, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.
"No" Ethan chuckles, shaking his head. "You're not. You're a teenager. Your hormones are all over the place. Plus, it's good to display emotion. Grayson and I do get worried when you keep everything inside"
I nod. "I'll try talk to you guys more"
He squeezes my hand. "I'd like that"

Knock knock
"Emma's here!" Gray yells from the kitchen.
Ethan chuckles and stands up.


Emma and I pick out a movie to watch while the twins make coffees and tea. Emma sifts through the different boxes, sighing.
"Survival and a movie about snoop dogg?" Emma raises an eyebrow.
I shrug. "Ethan refuses to let snoop dogg go"
"Hey! Snoop dogg is amazing!" Ethan exclaims, walking into the living room with mugs.
"Oh good lord" Emma sighs. "All hope is lost for you"
"But you love it" Ethan grins.
He bends down and kisses her. I smile. The fans don't know yet but Emma and Ethan are together. They're super cute.
Grayson walks in and hands me a mug of tea.
"Thanks, Gray"
I take a sip as Emma picks up a movie. "Let's watch Hachi a dog's tale!"
The boys and I nod. I love cute dogs. Emma and Ethan take one of the couches so Grayson and I take the other. We cuddle up and start watching.

End of the movie

Tears run down my cheeks as the boys and Emma laugh at me.
"It's not funny! The owner left him there!" I sob.
Grayson rubs my back and hugs me to his side. "Honey, he's fine. He got adopted by someone else"
I can't stop crying. "H-he g-got left b-behind!"
Emma hugs me as she smiles widely. "You're so cute!"
Grayson sighs. "How are we going to get her to sleep now, Ethan?"
I wipe my eyes with my hoodie sleeve and giggle a little. "Don't worry, Gray. I'll be fine"
"Then get your ass in bed. I'll be there in a minute"
I hug Ethan and Emma goodnight before walking to my bathroom to brush my teeth. After, I walk to my room and get under my duvet. Grayson walks in shirtless but has sweatpants on. Thank god. The twins don't even care if they walk around naked or in boxers. It's gross.
Grayson sits next to me on my bed while I twist my hair up into a bun. He kisses me goodnight and strokes my hair.
"How's your hair so soft all the time?" he asks.
I laugh and shrug.
"I'm so tired" he groans, lying next to me. "Mind if I crash here?"
He nuzzles into my neck, putting an arm around my waist. "Sweet dreams, princess"

Hello! This is my first story that I'm working on in Wattpad. Just wanted to say a quick thank you to those who clicked on this story and gave me a chance. I promise and hope it'll get better 😂

Bye! X 💋 X

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