Chapter 82

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Alyssa's POV


"Oooo Ethan was right. You are a good baker" Emma exclaims, licking the banana bread batter off her fingers. "This is going to be the best bread ever"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, if you leave any batter!"

She pouts and dives for the plastic spatula that is dripping in batter, sticking out of the bowl. It falls as our hands collide and it splatters to the floor, throwing mix everywhere. 

Emma and I burst into laughter. Us together in a kitchen is not the best image. 

"Grayson's gonna go nuts!" I giggle. "He hates mess"

"Where's your mop?" Emma asks, looking around frantically. "We have to clean before the twins get back!"

"No shit!" I laugh, grabbing a sponge from the sink. 

I get on my hands and knees and scrub the cupboards, the floor and the glass cabinets that are splattered in the batter. Emma stands in front of me, eating more batter and doing jack shit. 

"Emma! The boys expect banana bread tonight!"

"Too bad," Emma shrugs. 

I laugh and grab the bowl, quickly scooping the mix into a loaf tin and shoving it in the oven. I then hand the bowl back to Emma with the leftover batter and she's as happy as a kid in a candy store. 

I untie my apron and Emma helps me load the dishwasher and scrub away any evidence of the mess. Once we're done, we settle on the couch and decide to talk and surf social media.

"Damn, everyone's attacking Ethan for his skin so bad," Emma says, frowning and looking at a tweet.

I sigh and nod, sitting up from my laying position. "Yeah. He keeps telling Grayson and I that he's fine, but I don't think he is"

Emma nods. "Social media is a cruel place. Your brothers have been doing YouTube, twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and all the works for years so they know it's full of hate as well as love. The hate can overpower the love though which is crazy to me"

"The twins are pretty good at masking their emotions," I sigh. "It's hard to know if they're hurt or not"

Emma shrugs. "I get it. I'll talk to him when he gets back"


The twins finally get home an hour later with a bunch of shit. Quarantine is starting so the twins have been extra busy getting all the essentials. Luckily, they work online and still earn money so Grayson says we're comfortable. 

Emma's also staying with us. She said she'd be too lonely at home so she packed a suitcase, her cats (Frankie and Declan) and came here. 


"Girls! Dinner!"

Emma and I get off the living room rug where we've been asking each other would you rather questions for the past hour and walk to the table. 

Grayson brings out a dish of lasagne that smells amazing. Ethan follows behind him with steamed broccoli and asparagus. 

"You cooked, right?" I ask Grayson, pulling out my chair and taking a seat.

He grins and shakes his head no. Oh god.

Ethan laughs. "Don't look so scared! I've actually been taking cooking lessons. Cmon, taste my masterpiece"

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