· The Consequences of an Argument ·

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Alyssa's POV


"Dr Penny looks nice," grandma says, pushing her glasses further up her nose. "So does Dr Ramirez"

I sigh and put my head down on the kitchen table. Grandma woke me up at 8 am this morning to look for a personal therapist. We've been looking for ages and although I've told grandma I don't need one, she's still searching.

"Dr Penny has higher reviews but Dr Ramirez has more stars. Which one do you think is best?"

"I don't know," I sigh.

Grandma rubs my back and shuts her laptop.

"Honey, I'm just trying to help"

"I know," I sigh, lifting my head to sip some coffee. "I appreciate it but I don't want one. I just wanna go back to bed"


1:20 pm


"Aly, can you please get off the couch and vacuum the carpet like I asked you to do ten minutes ago?"

I stare at Grayson from where I'm sat on the couch and raise an eyebrow. He clicks his fingers and gives me the "stop playing around and do what you're told" look. 

"I'm having bad period pain, Grayson. I don't wanna stand up"

He sighs and shakes his head. "Hon, I get that it's painful, yeah? But if you could just vacuum and then rest. That's all I'm asking you to do"


"Alyssa," Gray sighs and shuts his eyes, trying to keep his patience. "I'm not in the mood to argue right now, so get up and vacuum. It's one small house chore"

"Let the poor girl rest," Ethan chuckles, walking into the living room. "If she's in pain then leave her alone"

"Ethan, don't get into this," Grayson sighs.

"She's in pain! I'll do the freaking vacuuming" Ethan says. 

"Thanks, E!" I smile, beaming at him. 

"If she's in pain, she knows she can get a pain killer, Ethan," Grayson grits through his teeth. "I just don't appreciate you undermining me when I'm trying to teach Alyssa some basic life skills. I know you won't so I have to step up"

Ethan's smile contorts into a confused and offended expression. 

"What the hell does that mean?"

Grayson laughs. "Bro, you literally do nothing. You wouldn't last a week alone without me doing your laundry and cooking for you. What's Alyssa going to learn from that? To be lazy? To be a slob?"

"You're such an asshole, dude," Ethan mutters, turning to leave. 

"I'm just saying the truth, man. If you do everything for Aly then she won't learn how to do anything by herself. Plus, you're letting her disrespect me by undermining my parenting"

"We're co-parenting, Grayson!" Ethan says, raising his voice. "Yet when I try to parent you shut me down and take everything into your own hands. Make up your mind dude!"

Both twins are arguing and yelling at the top of their lungs. I feel horrible. I'm responsible for causing this drama for not wanting to vacuum a stupid carpet. 

"It's fine, guys," I mumble. "I'll get the vacuum cleaner"

"Oh so now you wanna do what you're told?" Grayson shouts, giving me a cold stare. 

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