Chapter 31

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"You okay?"

My fork scrapes against my plate as I mix my spaghetti around and around. I'm mad. No, I'm pissed. How could Ethan do that? He knows better than anyone that Emma has trust issues and that she gets hurt easily.
I know the boys have been suspicious about my behavior over the past few days. I've been moody and shut off with everyone.


I look up and see Grayson eyeing me carefully. His jaw moves slowly as he chews his food, his eyes not leaving me.

Grayson's POV

I have no idea what's up with Alyssa but she's been acting really cold towards Ethan. She's been like this for a week and it's making me concerned. I thought she was on her period but she hasn't touched the new box of tampons I put in her bathroom on Saturday. It's Thursday today, meaning that the weekend is coming up soon. Hopefully, this thing passes in time for us to have fun this weekend. Ethan and I wanted to film a Q and A with Alyssa, but with the way she's been acting, I don't think she'll want to. As I said, hopefully this thing passes and she feels better Saturday morning.

Ethan's POV

She's mad at me. I know it. Alyssa never acts like this and her anger has been directed to me this whole week. She's been fairly kind to Grayson but not her usual self. She barely eats too.

"Alyssa," I point my fork at her full plate. "Eat at least half"

"Stop telling me what to do" she mutters, kicking her legs under the table.

I sigh and rub my face. Now I know for certain that she's mad.

"Alyssa, quit the attitude and eat. Now" Grayson says firmly.

Alyssa sighs but does as she's told. It kinda annoys me that Grayson's better at fixing her attitude. He says I trigger it even more. Grayson says that Alyssa and I can't end an argument because we're both stubborn as each other. We can fight for days on end, I'm telling you.

"Excuse me" Alyssa says, pushing her chair back and walking upstairs to her room.

I expect Grayson to try get her back, but he lets it be. As soon as she's out of earshot, Grayson picks up her plate and scrapes it back into the spaghetti pot.

"She's acting really strange" he sighs.

"Well, she's just being a teenager" I say, standing up and clearing the rest of the table.

"Nah. Somethings wrong. Somethings definitely wrong"

I shrug. "Whatever you say"

I fill the dishwasher and turn it on, washing some spaghetti sauce off my hands in the sink.

"It's probably about you and Emma"

I turn the faucet off and lean on my hands, looking out the window. I try to ignore the stinging sensation in the corners of my eyes and crack my neck.

"Why would she care?"

Chills run down my spine as I realize how cold my voice sounds.

"They're friends, Ethan!" Grayson sighs. "She's upset. Ever since Damon walked out of the picture Emma's been the only one there for her"

"Well she's going to have to find someone else to hang out with," I say, wiping down the counter with a soapy sponge. "Because she's not hanging out with that messed up girl. I don't want Alyssa to end up like her"

Grayson scoffs.

"Are you serious? You think Alyssa's going to turn out to be a messed up cheater?"

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