• Father's Day •

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Alyssa's POV
6:58 am

Knock knock

"Yeah?" I groan from under my bed covers, reaching a hand out to find my phone and check the time.

My door opens and Grayson walks in. He's dressed in jeans, a flannel and his newly cut hair is still wet from the shower. I check my phone and almost die when I see it's six-thirty am.

"Time to get up!" Gray grins, his dimples pissing me off at this hour.

"Why?" I whine. "It's six freaking am!"

"Perfect time to start work on the farm!" Gray replies, throwing some Jean shorts my way. "Get dressed and meet me downstairs in ten"

"I don't get a say?" I sigh.

"Nope. Downstairs in ten"

Grayson leaves and I groan again. It's finally summer, I finished school and now I have to wake up early to do shit?

I get out of bed and lazily get dressed. I put on a tight white crop top, jean shorts and my Air Force 1s. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and apply lashes and lipgloss.

When I meet Grayson downstairs, he's drinking black coffee and standing out on the porch.

"I'm ready"

He turns around and smiles at me. "Great. Let's go"


I'm shovelling horse manure out of the stables when my phone pings loudly. I check it and sigh when I do. It's Father's Day.

Posts fill my feed and I start to feel a little sad. I scroll through photos of celebrities with pictures of them as babies with their fathers.
I have to bite my lip to stop from tearing up.
I miss my dad despite the abuse and fear. He was a nice person when he wasn't drinking and now he's in jail. I don't even know what to do when he gets out.
I pocket my phone before Grayson sees and take my hair down from its ponytail. The hair covers my face like a curtain just as a tear makes its way down my cheek.

"Aly, can you go ask grandma what she needs from the shed?" Gray asks.

I nod, glad for an excuse to go and run up the pathway. I meet grandma on the porch where she's sat on the swing and sipping milky coffee.

"Gray's asking what you want from the shed," I sigh, panting and feeling a little out of breath.

Grandma smiles. "I just need a shovel and some sunflower seeds, honey"


The day goes on annoyingly slow. I spend all morning cleaning out animal pens and stables and listening to Grayson whistle.
It starts raining at twelve and Grayson and I go inside.
I feel like going upstairs and crying into my pillow but Angela's up there and Grayson makes me vacuum the living room.

1 pm

Angela and Uncle Tom come downstairs for lunch and I feel a pang of loneliness strike my heart like a gong. They hug, laugh and joke around. They're having a great Father's Day and don't seem to notice my mood at all. No one has all day, to be fair.
Grayson's been smiling all day and hasn't noticed me either.

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