Chapter 6

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Swinging my legs over my footboard, I can't help but feel sad and angry about what had happened yesterday. How could the twins ban me from seeing Hayden? I like him. A lot. They can't stop me.
Knock knock
"Go away!" I yell.
The door opens anyway and Ethan walks in. I lock eyes with him but turn away abruptly, but not before I see a flicker of hurt flash across his face. My heart drops a little but I shake the feeling off and turn towards my wall. I hear Ethan sigh.
"Can we talk? Please?"
I laugh and stand up, running a hand through my hair. "Talk? Really? Nuh-uh"
I try to walk past him but he grabs my arm gently and pulls me back.
"Let go!" I mutter, trying to jerk my arm free.
He holds a tight grip and tries to talk over my yelling.
"Let go!"
"Talk to me-"
"I already told you that I don't wanna talk to you, so leave me alone!"
He let's go and his arm falls to his side, defeated. I push past him and make my way to my bathroom. I slam the door hard and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes glisten with unshed tears and I break down. I sit on the edge of the bathtub and hold a hand to my mouth to block my sobs. I realize how unhappy I was before I met Hayden. Being with him made me forget everything. He eased the pain. I know hearts don't physically break, but my chest hurts so bad. 

I wipe away my tears and fill the tub with warm water. I peel off my clothes and lower myself into the water. I rest my forehead on my knees and wrap my arms around myself. What the hell did I get myself into? 

Grayson's POV

I throw some chicken into a pan and watch it sizzle. I take a sip of soda and look down at my phone as it lights up with a message. I unlock my phone and smile softly when I see it's from a fan. my smile turns to a slight frown when I see them request a video with Ethan, Alyssa and I this Tuesday. I shut my phone off and sigh, running a hand through my hair. I don't think Alyssa would be up for it. She's so upset with Ethan and me. 

"Hey bro," Ethan says, walking into the kitchen. 

I look up and catch his expression. He sighs and looks right back at me. 

"She still mad?" I ask, sprinkling some salt over the chicken breasts. 

"That's a bit of an understatement" Ethan sighs, opening the fridge to grab a soda. "I knew that boy was bad news. He seemed too good to be true" 

I shrug and stay quiet. Maybe that boy was good for Alyssa. I mean, she did seem happier when she was around him. I can't help feeling like I did the wrong thing. Of course, I was worried about her being alone with Hayden, but she said they didn't do anything. I know Alyssa wouldn't lie about that. She's expressed her concerns about sex before and I know she's smart and wouldn't lose her virginity at fourteen. 

"what?" Ethan asks, sitting down on a stool and eyeing me intently.

"I don't know, E" I sigh. "Did we do the right thing? I mean, was it worth it? Alyssa isn't talking to us" 

"She needs to respect rules and discipline, Grayson," Ethan says, shaking his head. "If we back down now she won't take us seriously. Don't let guilt get in the way, dude" 

"what, so we're just supposed to sit back and do nothing while she's sad?"

Ethan nods. "She's a teenager, Gray. It's normal"

I shake my head and laugh emptily. "I don't care about what you think is normal, E. Imma go check up on her"

Ethan raises his eyebrows and stares at his phone. "You can try but it's next to impossible"

I roll my eyes and exit the kitchen, making my way to Alyssa's room. I knock and push the door open a little. Her room is empty. I walk to her bathroom and knock. 

"Alyssa?" I say, gently. 

"Yeah?" she replies, her voice breaking. 

My heart feels heavy and I sigh. "can we talk?"

There's a little pause as if she's thinking about it. 


I sigh in relief and my body has newfound energy running through my veins, making my heart and shoulders feel lighter. 

"I'll be in your room," I say. 


I walk back to Alyssa's room and sit on her bed. I notice a box of tissues on her bedside table and her wastepaper basket is filled with small, crumpled up mascara stained tissues. I take a deep breath as she walks in. her hair is in a messy bun, her face is pale and she's wearing an oversized hoodie. She sits next to me and looks down at the covers. 

"I see you've been...upset" I sigh, gesturing towards her tissues. 

"Yeah," she mumbles. 

I sigh. "How you feeling?"

"Well gee I don't know" she chuckles emotionlessly. "I feel upset, Grayson. Upset. I really like Hayden"

I look at her and see that she's actually emotionally drained. She's not the same girl. 

"I know you do, honey" I sigh. "I think he really likes you too" 

"Well there's no point because I'm never going to see him again, according to you and Ethan" 

I shake my head and sigh. "Don't be like that" 

"like what?" she mutters. "Angry? Because you restricted me from seeing someone else? Yeah! I'd be crazy to act that way"

"Alyssa," I say firmly. "You can be angry with me but I still want you to be respectful"

"I am!" She groans, lying back and putting a pillow over her face. 

"Alyssa, less attitude, please"

She sits up and sighs. "Ok"

I pull her close to me and she actually hugs me. I miss the way her hugs make me feel. 

"Hey, Listen," I say, playing with her hair. "Imma try to convince Ethan to let you see Hayden again, okay?"

Alyssa's face lights up and she hugs me tighter, laughing. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I keep my arms around her and sigh again. "Don't get your hopes up, hon. Ethan is a very stubborn person" 

"I know"

"We okay now?" I ask, pushing her hair back and looking into her eyes. 

she looks up at me and smiles her sweet smile. 

"Of course"

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