Chapter 92

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Alyssa's POV

I follow Grayson downstairs and out to the porch where he normally likes to talk to me. I'm nervous as I sit down. Grayson's all calm but I can tell that something's bothering him. 

His eyes glide over the garden as he asks me a question.

"What is going on with you?"

A lump forms in my throat and I have to force it down to be able to reply.

"I-I'm fine, Gray," I say, looking down at the wooden floorboards. I don't want him to know I'm lying. 

"No, you're not" Grayson smiles sadly, shaking his head. "I don't want any of that bullshit, Alyssa. You're not the same girl you were a few months ago and you know it"

"I am" I argue, not knowing how much longer I can keep quiet about Amy. "I'm fine"

Silence takes over the conversation and Grayson looks like he's about to cry. I suddenly feel awful. What the fuck am I doing? I'm making my brother cry. Oh lord.

"You were clearly crying today, Aly. In the kitchen? Yeah, and Emma said you were upstairs on your bed all day. I know you, Alyssa. You were upset today and I just want to know why. I'm really not asking much, honey"

Yes, you are. You're asking for your relationship to be ruined!

I sigh and shrug. "I felt a little left out when you guys all went to the lake we used to go to when we were younger"

Grayson puts an arm around my shoulders and I get a little closer. We haven't really been hugging or talking much because of Amy but the tears that gather in my eyes remind me of how much I miss my special time with Grayson. 

"I never want you to feel left out, Aly. Especially not with Ethan, Emma, Amy and I. We all love you so so much and we want to spend family time together"

"I want that too," I say.

"Then why are you always so rude to Amy? I know that you are a beautiful, kind and generous person so why can't you let Amy see that side of you too?"

Because she hates me and abuses me and you don't know about it.

"Because I miss you, Gray. You spend every waking hour with her and I feel left out in that department too"


"She hates me. She's just with you because she wants the money, Grayson. She's using you and I hate to say it but everyone can see it. Ask Ethan or Emma, they'll tell you"

Grayson looks surprised at my rambling and shakes his head, chuckling emptily. 

"I won't ask them because I know my brother wouldn't make up stuff like that," he says, suddenly getting annoyed. "I never thought my own sister would do that, but I guess she would. Alyssa, you're just jealous. Stop being so childish and accept the fact that Amy is here and in my life for good. She's been nothing but nice to you and I wish you could do the same"

Jealous? Nothing but nice to me?  Amy here for good? making stuff up? Oh, how I wish I could just tell him. He probably wouldn't believe me anyway. 

"Now go to bed, Alyssa"


"We have lots of work to do tomorrow. Go to bed"

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Grayso-"

"Alyssa!" he says, sounding exasperated. "I don't wanna hear it. Now go before I get really angry"

"Okay," I mumble, standing up and shakily walking towards the door. "Grayson, I don't mean to hurt you. I love you, a lot, and I love that you're happy but-"

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