Chapter 28

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Ethan's POV

It's been a few days since the incident between Emma and I. My heart still feels mangled and I've kept low contact with everyone in the house. Bryant came down to stay with us a few days ago and he's confused, I can tell. Alyssa's also confused. She tried to come into my room and talk to me but Grayson told her to leave me alone because I'm supposedly "sick".

Alyssa's POV

I sigh as my uncompleted homework sheet lies in front of me on the floor. The equations are easy enough but I want to know what's up with Ethan. He's never like this. He's always out in the living room, editing or watching TV. This isn't normal. 

I sigh and tap my phone screen. Twelve per cent. I need a charger and I lost mine a few days ago.  Actually, I think Ethan took it. I stand up and walk down the hall to his bedroom. 

I knock on the door and open it. 

"Hey, E. I think you have my charger-"

"Alyssa" Grayson frowns. 

Grayson has his arm around Ethan's shoulders and Ethan's crying. Shocked at Ethan crying, I forget I'm standing in the middle of the door. 

"Ethan? Are you okay?"

I walk over and put my arms around his neck. He hugs me back and pats my back.

"I'm fine, baby"

I pull away and look into his eyes. They're glassy. whatever happened surely did upset him. I sit on the bed next to Ethan and sigh. 

"Why isn't anyone telling me what's going on?"

Ethan also sighs. 

"It's best you don't know, sweetie"

"But I wanna know!"

"Alyssa, go back to the living room"


Grayson raises an eyebrow and gives me a look. I ignore it and clutch Ethan's arm. 

"Please tell me?"

"Alyssa, go," Gray says, more forcefully.

"It's America. I have freedom of speech, Grayson" 

He stands up and crosses his arms, daring me to test him. 

"Alyssa, listen to Grayson and go. I'll tell you later" Ethan says softly. 

"No you won't," I say. "You're only saying that to shut me up" 


"This is such bullshit. I'm your sister and you can't even tell me?"

"Alyssa, go to your room and stay there. Now!"Grayson orders, clicking his fingers towards the door. 

I don't say anything. Instead, I just storm out and walk to my room, slamming the door. I honestly don't know why I'm upset. I just have such an urge to find out that it rubs off on my emotions, leaving a negative impact. 

I flop onto my bed and scream into my pillow. I always feel left out when they keep a secret from me. They're twins. It's like having a built-in best friend for them and it just kinda makes me feel bad. 

an hour later

knock knock

Ethan walks in and smiles softly when he sees me on my bed, listening to music. I rip the earbuds out of my ears and sit up quickly. 

"How much shit am I in?" I sigh.

He raises his eyebrows and I sigh again, biting my lip. Today, I can't control my mouth. 

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