· Necessary Precautions ·

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Hey guys! Just wanted to pop a quick thank you at the beginning of this chapter for all the reads and support. I love reading your comments because they genuinely brighten up my day. I love to write and your responses are what keep me going. Thank you for fueling my passion for writing. Much love to you lot xxx


Alyssa's POV- 8 am


My eyes open to the sound of a loud crack and I sit up, rubbing the back of my neck. I yawn and look out the window where a storm greets me. Thunder rumbles in the distance and another crack of lightening hits the ground, making a loud sound.

"Don't be scared"

I shift my eyes towards the door and roll my eyes at Grayson.

"I'm not scared"

"Sure, sure," Grayson says, sounding amused. "Here, I got coffee"

Grayson walks towards the bed and hands me a cup of coffee. I recognize the styrofoam cup from one of the coffee places down the street and thank him.

Grayson gets into bed next to me and gets his own cup. It's taller and it's pitch black and I wince. That must taste so bitter.

"Want a sip?" Gray asks, playfully waving the bitter coffee under my nose.


Gray chuckles. "It wakes me up"

I sip my own milky sweet coffee and lean against the headboard of the bed as Grayson reaches for the TV remote. He puts the news on and when I'm done with my coffee, I rest against Grayson's chest. He sips his coffee and strokes my hair with his other hand.

It's nice to have mornings like these. The storm outside gets louder and scarier but Grayson puts an arm around my waist to keep me calm. I like storms when there's thunder, but lightening gives me anxiety.


After staying in bed for another hour, Grayson and I go to the kitchen to make breakfast. Grayson makes himself another coffee and one for Ethan. I can only manage one coffee a day but the twins are coffee machines.

Next, Grayson makes his french toast. The smell of butter, cinnamon and fresh fruit fill the kitchen and sure enough Ethan appears five minutes later. He has some serious bedhead.

"Morning, Aly bear. How'd you sleep?"

Ethan hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek.

"I slept well," I reply. "Thanks"

Ethan takes his mug of coffee and downs it quickly. He also likes it dark and bitter. Disgustanggggg.


After breakfast and a bit of small talk, the dreaded clock hits ten o' clock. I almost groan but manage to contain myself.

"Are you ready to go down to the station, honey?" Grayson asks, taking my plate and his to the sink.

I suddenly go quiet and Ethan sighs, taking my hand in his. He squeezes it comfortingly and kisses my knuckles, rubbing his thumbs over the back of my hand.

"Remember what I told you yesterday, Aly. Gray and I will be there and you'll be okay"

I nod and Grayson rubs my neck, placing a kiss on top of my head.

"Cmon, baby. Let's go and get this over with"


the police station is a scary, crowded, loud place. People in uniforms rush around with sour expressions on their faces and some even have people in handcuffs. The scenery doesn't help my anxiety, but it's too late to back out. A police woman ushers me into a room with two chairs and a desk and suddenly the door shuts, locking the twins out.

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