Chapter 85

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Alyssa's POV


"Aly, go get my phone, please," Gray says. "It should be in the living room"


I walk into the living room and collect Grayson's phone off the coffee table. Damn his black phone case is heavy.

"Hey" Ethan smiles, walking past me.

"Hey" I reply, watching him walk into the kitchen.

I look back down at the phone and laugh. Ethan's face must've unlocked Grayson's face ID when he walked past because all Grayson's notifications are open. I shake my head and smile. This is one of the reasons why I'm glad I don't have a twin.

My eyes catch a text as I'm walking back to the kitchen.

Amy- I miss you, honey. See you tonight ❤️

Amy? Who's Amy?

I get a funny feeling inside my chest at the heart emoji next to the text. Who is this Amy person?

I suddenly realize that Grayson is waiting for me and that my absence must be sus. I walk into the kitchen, shut the phone off so he doesn't know I've seen anything and place it in his palm.

"Thanks," he smiles.

His smile widens when his eyes skim over something that I can only imagine is the text from this Amy girl. I hate it. I hate that I hate it. I mean, if Grayson has a girlfriend it's good. He hasn't had one for a really long time and it's good. A part of me hates it though and I get a gut feeling that she's one of those fake girls.

What am I even saying? She's probably super pretty and super nice and everything is fine.

"Earth to Alyssa!"

I blink and see a hand being waved in front of my face. I look at Ethan.

"What?" I ask.

"Cmon. We're going to the grocery store"

"Oh, okay," I say, standing up and shaking the thought of Grayson and some girl. It's probably his friend or something.

"Go get a sweater, it's cold," Grayson says.

I frown at him in a Tshirt and cross my arms. So he can go out like that?

"And you're what? Lava boy?"

"You're so funny!" Grayson says, rolling his eyes. "Go get one. Now"


The boys laugh at my annoyed state and I jog upstairs and grab one of Grayson's hoodies as revenge. When I come back down, he doesn't even notice I'm wearing his clothes.

"Ready?" Ethan smiles, twirling his car keys around.

I follow him out and frown when he shuts the door behind him.

"Isn't Gray coming?"

Ethan shrugs. "He's going out with friends tonight. It's just us for dinner"

I remember the text

See you tonight

He's meeting his "friends". I sigh but follow Ethan to his Tesla.


When we get back Grayson's already left.

"Hey, E?"


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