Chapter 41

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Alyssa's POV- Monday

"Good morning" Grayson smiles as I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning," I say, sweeping my eyes over the living room slash kitchen area.

I can't see Ethan anywhere. I sigh and take a seat at the kitchen counter. Grayson shakes his head and sighs.

"Don't worry about him, Aly"

I nod and just rest my head in my hands as Grayson insists on making me breakfast like he does every day.
As he cooks, I ask Grayson about something. Something I've been wanting to know all weekend.



"Where's Ethan?"

He looks at me and chuckles. "I told you not to worry about him"

"I know and I'm not"

"Oh really? This," he points at me. "Is not worrying about him?"

"Is he okay?" I sigh. "You know he's going to hate me for a long time, right?"

Grayson suddenly gets serious and makes me listen to him.

"Alyssa, Ethan doesn't hate you. He loves you so so much and I do agree with you that he needs to accept the fact that you're growing up but you also need to accept the fact that you're not an adult yet. You can't be doing these things and going out and lying about everything"

"If I would've told you then Ethan wouldn't have let me go hang out with Damon. He hates him"

"Where are all these ideas of hate coming from? Damon maybe, but you absolutely not"

Grayson puts some food in front of me and ruffles my hair.

"Eat up. You have to leave for school soon"

I nod and start eating, Ethan's absence making the anxiety in my stomach rise. Grayson cleans up the kitchen, whistling a happy tune and I'm starting to wonder why the fuck he's so happy. I'm surprised he's not mad. I thought Ethan would be more chill, actually. Little did I know it's the other way around.
I push the plate in front of me away, suddenly not hungry.

I jump off the stool and say a quick bye before walking out the door. As I walk down the street I see Damon talking to Alexis. I decide to walk over.

Alexis smiles at me as I walk towards Damon, smiling back shyly. I don't know how Damon feels about the other night after the encounter with my crazy brothers. Okay, maybe not crazy but loud. I think the whole street heard that argument.

"Hello, honey," Alexis says, beaming at me.

Damon turns around and smiles at me too. He blushes a little as Alexis tells us to have a good day at school. She walks back inside and Damon immediately hugs me. I hug him back and rest my chin on his shoulder, breathing in his firewood and leather scent. When I pull away he sighs and scratches the back of his neck.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine"

"I mean...since the other night. I'm sorry if you got into trouble"

I shake my head and wave his apology away. "I'm fine, honestly. I got off lightly with a week's grounding"

"That sucks" Damon sighs. "So that means we can't hang out after school, huh"

"I guess so"

I look down at the floor and sigh as silence takes over.

"Well, we have mornings I guess"

I smile as I look back at him. His dimple makes my mood lift and he takes my hand.

"Let's go before we're late. I don't want you getting in trouble again"

He wraps an arm around my shoulders and we start walking to school.

After school

I dither outside the font door, debating on whether to go inside or not. Ethan's car is in the driveway so I know he's home. Am I ready for an awkward egg-shell-walking enviornment after a long tiresome day of school? Uhhh, I don't know.

I take a deep breath and open the door slowly, poking my head in and searching the living room. No one. I ease myself through the door trying hard not to let the door make a sound. I know, I'm paranoid. I' be lying if I said I wasn't expecting eerie music to start playing. I shake off the strange feeling gripping at my throat and shoulders and walk upstairs.

Suddenly, I bump into a hard wall and almost fall backwards, but it catches me. I look up and meet eyes with Ethan. 



I gently slip out of his arms and back up a few steps. After the other night things have been strange between us and I don't know where I stand with him. His hand is curved around the area where my arm was a few seconds ago and he looks at it strangely. He looks back at me and lets his arm fall to his side. An uncomfortable silence drapes over us like an unwanted blanket and I'm suddenly sweating.

"How was school"

I look back at him. "Huh?"

"How was school?"

"Oh," I say. "It was fine"

"Good, good"

He puts his hands in his jeans pocket and nods, whistling a little.

"Uh I've got homeowrk" I say, jerking my thumb towards my room. "So..."

"Homework!" Ethan throws his hands in the air and nods. "Homework, yeah of course"

"So..." I say, walking towards my room.

"Oh," he says. "Go ahead"


I open my door and enter, shutting it behind me. Did I just say thank you? What is wrong with me?

I shake my head and settle myself at my desk, pulling out my laptop and notebooks. Homework always helps me take my mind off things.

8 pm

knock knock

The sound of the door opening makes me jump and I bump my hip on the corner of my desk, making my pencil holder tip on it's side and spill pencils everywhere. They clatter in a heap and I look up to see a surprised Grayson.

"Oh sorry, honey, did I scare you?"

I nod and wince, holding my hip. "Yep"

He shakes his head and chuckles. "Sorry. Dinner's ready"


He frowns and points to my hip. "You okay?"

I nod. "It's fine"


He turns to leave but then turns around again. "Did you have a lot of homework? You've been up here a long time"

I gather my pencils and shove them back into the can, nodding my head. "Yep"

In reality I redid my homework four differet ways. Oh well, at least I have options. Grayson leaves and I wipe the sweat from my brow. Here's to another awkward family dinner!


Hey guys! Sorry about the delay in posts lately. My mental health has been faltering and I haven't had much motivation. Luckily, your sweet, loving and supportive comments and texts have been lifting me up throughout everything. New chapter tomorrow and I hope you like this one! Thank you for your patience and I hope you're all doing well. I love you guys!

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