Chapter 89

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Alyssa's POV

I gently dab some concealer over the bruise that starts to form on my left cheek from last night. It still hurts as I press it gingerly, and I suck air in through my teeth, wincing.


Throughout the day I'm nice to Amy. She tries too and succeeds when Grayson's around. As soon as he leaves, it's game over and she returns to her mean, nasty self. I have no one to talk to seeing as Emma went home early this morning. These past few weeks with Amy have been dreadful and I can't wait till Grayson sees the bad in her.
Emma did say that it was gonna come back and bite her in the ass. Karma and all that shit.

Some good news is that I'm going to New Jersey this weekend! Bad news is....Amy's coming with us.


I get home from school and the first thing I see is Amy and a group of people I don't know. A couple have eyebrow piercings and there's a redhead with scary green eyes and a pierced tongue.
Amy rolls her eyes when she sees me.
They're playing cards.

I'm confused as one guy pulls out a pack of cigarettes. He looks seventeen and I can only assume he's someone's sibling.
Grayson wouldn't allow this. Ethan wouldn't either. Where are they? And why are people smoking and drinking in our kitchen?

I suddenly get a sickening feeling inside me as the group watches over me. Two boys on the left lick their lips and it sends a shiver down my spine. They look around Amy's age if not older.
I realize how awkward I must look, just standing and observing them like tropical birds in a zoo. They eye me like I'm elephant shit.

"Everybody this is Alexia" Amy laughs, looking me up and down with her hateful brown eyes. "She's my bitch"

I drop my bag to the floor and grit my teeth, my fingers curling into fists.

"I am not your bitch" I say.

Amy laughs and raises an eyebrow at me. "Now, now, you don't talk to your elders or in my case, superiors, like that. Now be a good girl, run along and get us some more cigarettes. We're out"

"No!" I say, crossing my arms. "This is my house and I don't know who all these random people are! Did Grayson allow you to do this?"

She laughs but maintains eye contact with me. "I didn't ask him. I'm not his dog. It's not my fault you jump to his every order and I don't. Some of us have actual lives"

The group laughs and all I'm feeling right now is humiliation.

"The boys are at a meeting if you must know," Amy says, reaching forward for a lighter on the table. "They won't be back till eight so I suggest you jump to getting those cigarettes if you don't want this to be a painful time"

I roll my eyes. What is she going to do? Slap me again? Sure, only this time I'm slapping back.

"You're pathetic" I spit, collecting my bag and setting a foot on the first stair.

"Oh yeah, I'm pathetic?" She hoots loudly. "Says that fat little loser that has no friends and has to hang out with Ethan's girlfriend! Horrible girl that one. Says she's eighteen but looks thirteen!"

"Don't speak about Emma like that," I say sharply. "She's amazing. She's nice and kind and doesn't act like a stuck up spoilt brat like you! Some of us actually have som dignity instead of stupid bimbos, such a s yourself, who act like the queen of the world when in reality they're the scum of the earth"

A girl with split black hair and incredibly piercing blue eyes chuckles and claps. "She's using big girl words! Good for her!"

Amy looks angry and she stalks over to me. Grabbing me by my wrist, she pulls my ponytail back and lowers her lips to my ear.

"You'll regret that"

Before I know what's happening, she pushes me into the hallway table and I fall, knocking a vase over in the process. It smashes to the ground and the group laughs. Tears of humiliation gather in my eyes and Amy picks me up by my ponytail. It hurts.
She sees my watery eyes and smiles evilly.

"What's wrong?" She mimics, pouting and looking down at me. "You wanna go run to mommy and cry like a little bitch? Too bad, isn't it? That your mommy is almost dead? Awww, look! She's crying!"

She laughs and throws me on the stairs, spitting on me for extra effect. It works and makes her group laugh even louder than before.

"You're a monster" I mutter, picking myself up.

"Am I?" She laughs, lifting my chin with her neon green acrylic nail. "Well then that would make you a fat little loser with no friends"

I push her off of me and run upstairs. The group's laughter echoes in my head as shut my bedroom door and cry into my pillow.
I hate her. I hate her so much.


When the boys finally do get home the kitchen has been cleared and all traces of Amy's friends have been wiped away, almost as if it never happened.
The boys look tired and Grayson greets Amy first before giving me a hug.

"Did you girls have a fun afternoon?"

Amy's nails find my arm behind our backs and she digs them in, almost daring me to rat her out. What's the point? I don't have any evidence anyway.

"Fun" I mumble, looking down at the floor.

"Very fun!" Amy says, her bright smile convincing.

She throws an arm around my shoulders and her extensions tickle my neck as she hugs me close.

"You know us! Closer then ever!"

I smile as best as I can. Well, as best as I can considering she's crushing me with her killer tight hug. Her perfume is suffocating and I swear I'm going to die if she doesn't let me go in the next five seconds.

Thankfully, she does and I can breathe again.

I follow the twins into the living room, scared to be away from them and be alone with Amy again. I shudder and get a lump in my throat when Grayson frowns at the smashed vase on the floor.

"What happened here?" He asks, setting his bag down on the coffee table before kneeling down to pick up the shattered pieces.

"Alyssa tripped and fell"

I glare at her and she smiles at me, her eyes holding nothing but devilish charm.

Gray stands up and turns around. For a second I think he's going to yell at me by the frown on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asks, taking me by the shoulders and looking me up and down.

He studies my face carefully and sighs. "Have you been crying? Aww baby, did it hurt?"

I can only nod. I'm not exactly lying. It did hurt when Amy pushed me.

Grayson gives me a hug and kisses my cheek.

"It's okay. It's an old cheap vase that an old friend gave us years ago"

"Yeah. It had to go anyway!" Ethan jokes, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

I laugh but really feel bad on the inside. Not about the vase but about the way the twins are clueless about Amy.
I sigh when I realize I have to be careful around Emma. She's smart and she'll be on me like a dog and a bone if I give anything away.

I feel like crying again when I then realize this could go on for weeks, months and even years.

I'm not sure I can deal with any more of this.


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