Chapter 7

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I packed my bags, Min looked at me with sad eyes as I packed the last of my shirts. 

"We'll still be able to see each other! At school, after school if I'm not busy with the guys! I promiseee~" I hugged her tight.

"You promise you won't forget about me?" She pouted in that adorable way she always did.

"I promsie~ You were the first person to help me out, I could never forget that. I'll come by a few times a week to check up on you!" I promised.

I made my way back to the dorm, stopping for some snacks, moving is really hard work. I knocked as loud as I could, I had too much luggage to wait more than two minutes.

Kyuhyun opened the door. He looked at me and all the luggage I was carrying and walked away.

Seriously? What did I ever to do you to make you dislike me so much?

I struggled getting everything in, dropping pretty much everything every two steps. I heard Kyuhyun snicker as he played his stupid Starcraft.

Sungmin walked into the living room and saw me fighting with my things and quickly ran to help me.

"Omo, Penny, why didn't you call out for help? Kyu, why didn't you help her? Stop being so lazy..." He picked up my luggage and gestured me to follow him down the hallway.

"Thanks, Minnie. You're really sweet." I smiled.

"I'm glad to help. Your room is this one right here." He stopped abruptly at a small door at the end of the hallway. He opened the door to reveal a plain room: a bed, a desk, a bookshelf, and a window covered with black curtains.

"Very simple..." I looked around, "I'll have to do some redecorating, is that okay?"

"OF COURSE!! I'll help you if you'd like~" He bounced with glee.

"Where are the rest of the guys?"

"Probably asleep or they went out for some interviews."  He opened a few of my bags, helping me unpack.

Surprisingly I had a lot of things, mostly clothes and books. When we were done, well you really couldn't tell the difference, except the filled bookshelf. I sighed in frustration.

"We can go to the store later and find some things to spice it up." He patted my back.

"I got you something as a house warming gift!" I took out a bag of strawberry cotton candy and handed it to him.

"Shouldn't I be giving you a gift? I already live here." Laughing, he opened the bag and offered me some.

We stretched out on the bed, talking and eating all the junk food I had bought. Sungming yawned and rubbed his eyes in a childlike manner.

"I'm going to take a nap." And with that he curled up in a ball and fell asleep. I'm sure his parents never had a problem putting him to sleep. My stomach growled with hunger for actual food, so I got up and went into the kitchen to see what I could conjure up, hoping they had some ingredients to make some Mexican food.

I opened up some cabinets, all to no avail. Frowning, I decided it was no use, so I made some instant ramen. I leaned over the counter playing Temple Run when I felt a pair of eyes staring at me hard. I looked up to find Donghae studying me.

"Uh, hi?" I looked over at him with curiosity.

"Sorry...I just, I don't think I've ever seen you so...laid back."

It was true. Most of the time I'm in a t-shirt and jeans, hair done and at least some makeup; but today I was in my sweats, hoodie, no makeup and hair in a messy bun.

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