Bonus Writing Contest???? (not an update)

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Friends, family, comrades, pizza lovers, sweet egg rolls. I gather you guys here today to announce- or rather try to have a little fun contest.

You guys know that I've been doing bonus chapters (that I think you all enjoy, right?) every few chapters or so, and I was thinking, why not letting you guys write one up? I'm sure you're all super talented and could probably take over the family business, so any and every one of you should definitely participate! I mean, if you want to! :D 

As you know, bonus chapters tend to be just little extras, sometimes short stories that have nothing to do with the current storyline. They're just for guys can pretty much write about whatever the hell your heart desires. Your favorite ships, things I dont write about often, whatever you want. If you want Donghae and Penny back, OKAY! If you want a smut chapter with Dani and Henry, DO IT. It's all up to you. Whatever you think is missing from the story, write it. 

I only have two rules: 

1. It has to be at least 500 words. 

2. It has to be submitted to my email- by May 26th 2014, US Central time. 

There will be three lucky winners, chosen by yours truly. I won't be basing my decision on grammar, spelling, but CREATIVITY and fun. All of the three pieces will be published here, and I will give credit where credit is due. 

Don't worry, I'm working on chapter 66 rai nao, so that should be published in a few days worth. I hope you guys participate...if not....well, wow, I'll just give up writing and trying to make friends. :'( 

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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