Chapter 62

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So far, so good. Just gotta keep smiling. Just gotta stay confident. I'm doing this. I'm doing this all by myself. 

"Dani!" AJ called from behind the counter. "You forgot their latte!" 

I cringed at the customers, "So sorry. I'll be right back!" 

AJ grinned, "It happens all the time. Don't worry." 

He slid a large teacup across towards me. I carefully took it between both of my hands, and gave it to the waiting customers. Thankfully, they weren't angry. They were a young couple in love. Young couples in love don't really care about anything else but each other. I joined AJ once more. 

"Be honest with me, how bad am I?" 

"Considering this is your second day? Pretty awful," he frowned. "But everyone sucks at first. You'll get the hang of it soon, and you'll even start to get tips! That's if you're with customer service, that is." 

"Hm," I tapped my chin. "Tips, huh? I can get tips." 

"You'll probably get a lot during our lunch rush. It won't be long till we're packed." 

I gasped, "May God have mercy on my soul." 

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -- 


"What year is it?" I groaned, stretching out on the bed.  

"Ow! Watch yourself, you animal!" 

I opened my eyes and glanced at Kyuhyun, who wasn't very far away from me. He was still in his sleeping position.  I sat up well rested, I hadn't slept so well in months!  Although the dorm did seem a little off. It was quiet. Too quiet. As much as it killed me to get out of the warm, deliciously inviting bed, I stripped the blanket off of me. I forced my feet on to the wooden floor, and shuffled my way to the door. I unlocked it, and just as I had started to get out, something caught my eye. 


The sheet of paper had the handwritting that I instantly recognized. I chuckled, and went back in the room, closing the door behind me. 

"Don't worry about locking it, no one's home," Kyuhyun mumbled. "Get back here." 

 "Why did you wake up?" 

"Can't a man get up to pee?" he replied with his eyes still closed. 

"Is there a reason why we're not to be disturbed?" 

"Less talking, more cuddling," he ordered. 

I rolled my eyes, "Don't you think we've slept in enough?" 

"I tend to wake up at six in the morning, and I get to bed around one or two. I think I deserve some rest." 

Sometimes I forgot how hard and packed his schedule was. I bounced back on the bed, suddenly very concerned for his health. I sat up, and threw the covers over me again. Kyuhyun began to sit up, but I stopped him from moving, and pressed his head to rest on my chest instead. 

"Yeah, I like this position," he smirked. "My pillow's bigger, but this is nice too." 

I pinched his arm, "Go cuddle with your stupid pillow then." 

"But my stupid pillow doesn't  have hot skin ," he whined. 

 "You're only with me because of my body heat?" 

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