Chapter 37

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Heechul pushed Joey off of me. Finally I was able to catch my breath. 

"What the fuck?" Joey groaned,  doubling over in pain. Sungmin had thrown a heavy fist right between his ribcage. 

"Penny, are you okay?" Heechul was examining me, making sure I wasn't hurt. 

I was still in shock, the trembles had become intense shaking. "I-I-I'm fine," I stuttered. I reminded myself that I was nude, and started looking for my clothes. 

"Here," Heechul took of his shirt and handed it over to me. 

Quickly, I threw it over my head. Luckily my panties were next to me. I slipped them on as quick as I could. Heechul gave me some privacy, having his head turned the whole time. 

I somehow stood up, and took myself towards Sungmin and Joey. Sungmin had him by the collar of his shirt, against the wall. He was bleeding from his nose, his right eye already turning dark. 

"Penny, go away," Sungmin's voice threatened as gentle as he could. If Joey was intimidating, Sungmin was twenty times more terrifying. 

I avoided his command, walking closer to Joey. His eyes pleaded me for mercy. The sight was so pathetic, I almost caved. Almost. 

My anger had never been as strong as it was at that moment. I harnessed all the power I could, and smacked my palm against his jaw. "Don't you fucking dare show your face here again. Next time I'll let him finish," I glanced at Sungmin. "Never search for me or anyone affiliated with me, especially Dani. Get the fuck out of this country, I never want to see you again." 

Sungmin let him go as soon as I finished saying the last syllable. Joey struggled to his feet, but managed to straighten up. He rubbed away the blood, giving me a dirty stare. I led him to the front door, opening it for him to exit. I prayed that would be that last time I would see him. The door shut behind him, I slouched against it, dropping back to my former weak state. 

I broke down, letting go of everything. 

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -- 


We all rushed home as soon as Heechul gave us the scary call. Leeteuk's face lost all color, Siwon couldn't stay still. Yesung, Zhou Mi, and Ryeowook were silent the whole ride home, a first. Shindong's and Eunhyuk's usual laughter was dead. Kyuhyun buried his head in his hands, avoiding everything and anything. 

Then as I walked through the door, before everyone else, I saw her. She was cradled in the corner of the couch, in just a shirt and underwear. The tears rolled down her face, at a fast pace. Sungmin paced the living room floor. I could tell he had been crying, his brown orbs were bloodshot. Heechul  rubbed Penny's back, in turn trying to calm himself down. 

I scrambled to her as fast as my feet permitted me to. "Penny," I whispered. Her eyes finally blinked when she saw me. She threw herself at me. I cradled her body in my arms, sitting down on the couch. Her hands clutched me tighter to her, her silent cry had become an unstoppable sob that pierced everyone's ears. 

Leeteuk explored the dorm, trying to find out exactly what had happened. He finally gave up, and broke the silence. "Tell me," he ordered Sungmin and Heechul. 

"Heechul and I were walking down the hallway, then we heard a male voice coming from inside. It couldn't have been any of us, and we were alarmed. Heechul threw the door open and..." Sungmin didn't allow himself to finish. 

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