Chapter 42

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" you'll be staying in my room while I'm gone, got it?" 

Penny was giving me her last minute lecture. She was already at the door, suitcase next to her. 

"Yes, mother," I sighed. 

"Don't you dare think about sneaking around with Henry. Siwon and Leeteuk will be watching over you like hawks." 

"Are they going to be watching my every move?" 

"Oh yeah. I told them to." 


She cocked an eyebrow, "I have slight trust issues when it comes to leaving my younger cousin in a foreign country, in a dorm that happens to be right next door to her boyfriend's. A boyfriend I happen to be friends with and I know he's capable of sneaking around..." 

"How would you know?" 

"We used know what, never mind," she checked her phone, "Agh, it's late! Look, I'll only be gone for a couple of days, but I want you to behave, okay?" 

"Fineeee," I groaned. 

One of the guys, who I still didn't know how to pronounce, walked up to Penny, grabbing her suitcase and opening the door. 

"I'll miss you," she hugged me. 

I pushed her off, "Stop being so smothering. I'll see you when you get back." 

She smiled and waved behind her, before closing the door. I turned around to face an empty dorm. Everyone had already gone to their schedules. I grabbed my bags and took them to Penny's room. It was pretty clean, or cleaner than I expected. How was I supposed to be kept entertained? I searched around her room in hopes for finding a source for some fun. 

"AHA!" I found her laptop neatly tucked under her pillow. "Oh, tumbrl, how I've missed you~" 

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --


"Thanks for dropping me off," I stood at the entrance of the airport. 

"No problem," Kyuhyun smiled. "So, uh, I noticed you didn't open all the presents they bought you the other day..." 

"What presents?" 

"The ones that were in the corner of the room? With all the bright colored flowers?" 

"They were for me?" 

He chuckled, "Yeah. Who else?" 

"You, I mean your birthday's in a few days...I thought they were from your fans," I shrugged.

"You know when my birthday is?" 

"Mhm, I have everyone's birthday marked. That way I can get up before Ryeowook and bake the cake," I beamed. 

"Oh," he reached in his pocket, "Well anyway, I got you something." He opened a small box to reveal  two small silver bracelets. They were thin and both had a tiny charm; one with the outline of a mouse head with ears, the other the same but with a red bow between the ears, Mickey and Minnie Mouse. 

I gasped, "Wow, they're cute! You didn't have to..." 

"I know, I wanted to." 

"So why Minnie and Mickey Mouse?" 

"Do you not like them?" His eyes grew wide.

"No! I love them, they're the perfect couple." 

"Penny rhymes with Minnie...sort of, now that I think of it, not really. It came in a set, so you can give the other one to Donghae, of course," he scratched the back of his head, after handing me the box. 

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