Chapter 30

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"So, what brings you to this side of the planet?" Henry asked, lowering the music.

He had picked me up from the hotel, and we were making our way back to the dorm. He was a scary driver. He would make quick left turns, which got good use out of the seat belt. The smile remained on his face, calm.

"Mostly Penny."

"Oh, haha, right," he winced.

"Well the other part's that I needed a break away from home. I'm graduating this year, I can't tell you how terrified and nervous I am," I shuddered.

"Why? You should be super excited! You're embarking in another stage of your life. You're probably going to go to an awesome college and get a lot more independence. Since you'll be away from home, and all."

I squished my face, "EXACTLY. I'm not ready to be out on my own! HOW AM I GOING TO LIVE WITHOUT MY MOMMY?!"

"You know you can visit her on breaks, right? I mean you'll still be in the state...?"

"I won't be in the country," I sighed.

"You're leaving the country? Where are you going?"


"What is with you and Penny not wanting to stay in the country?"

I shrugged, "I've been planning to move there since I was fourteen. Penny's just really fucking impulsive. I'm pretty sure she thought about it for a whole two days, four at the most, then bought her plane ticket and left."

He chuckled, "Ah, Penny~"

"Yeah, I missed her. And I kinda wanted to see how she was doing it. Being away from the family, living in a foreign country where she knows no one. I'm not surprised she's doing so awesome. She dominated the language, she found an awesome job, she's doing great in school,'s just wow. She's living the dream."

"She's living the dream because she took that step without fear. She has worked hard to get where she's at. I'm sure you'll do fine. London's going to be lucky to have you," he smiled brighter. "So why London? What will you be doing there?"

"Something different," I lied.

He rolled his eyes, "Are you sure it isn't because of One Direction?"

"So what if it is? I want to try out a music career."

"What do you play?"

"My vocal chords, I sing."

He turned his head away from the road to give me a wide eyed look. "Really? That's awesome!"

"Why because you're a singer yourself? You like music?"

"Girl, please! My life is based on music. Not only do I sing, but I play the violin, piano, drums and I'm starting to dominate the guitar. I produce, write and compose. I'm in a very serious relationship with music," he said passionately, on the verge of sounding over dramatic.

"Wow. You beat me," I pouted.

"No, I don't. I'm not into domestic violence!"

"That was an expression, as in you're a winner and I'm a loser," I explained.

"And what I said was a joke, as in I have a sense of humor," he laughed.

Good going Ariana Danielle, looking like an idiot is what you're best at.

"Haha, right~" My voice trailed off awkwardly ending the conversation.

Henry blasted the music, singing along. At first I thought it would be some k-pop, but was hit with the familiar voice of Bruno Mars. I could tell his favorite was "The Lazy Song", his body swayed alongside the beat. His emotions were contagious, I found myself singing and smiling with him.

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