Chapter 15

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I woke up Sunday morning feeling quite optimistic. I had grown closer to Wookie and Kyu, who would have thought? 

Unfortunately, I wasn't talking to Donghae. I guessed we had "broken up". Well, it was my fault, but what's done is done. I didn't want to give myself false hope by thinking he'd want to talk to me and talk things through as we had the last time. I just hoped he'd get things straight with his ex.

I remembered I had plans with the guys to go shopping. I took a quick shower, changed into my favorite hoodie, jeans, and my converse. I didn't want to bother with my hair, so I threw it in a sloppy french braid, it was lazy Sunday. 

There was a light knock on my door. 

"You ready?" Ryeowook whispered. 

I slowly opened the door, trying to be quiet, since we were sneaking out. We tiptoed down the hall and found Kyuhyun at the front door, ready. Luckily no one was awake, so we were successful; we could have been mistaken for meddling teens. 

We took Wookie's car, Kyuhyun riding shotgun. They both were in a cheerful mood as well, so the car was full of smiles. As soon as Kyuhyun turned up the music, everyone started singing. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun sounding amazing, while I sounded like a horse having a stroke, it was better than when I sounded like dog with a raspy throat. 

We arrived at a shopping center. I was eccentric, I hadn't gone properly shopping since I was in the states. Kyuhyun wanted to go buy his laptop first, so we headed to the Apple store. He tried out a handful of laptops, while Ryeowook and I took pictures in every camera available. After a while, Kyuhyun ran up to us jumping with glee. He showed us his new "wife", he sure showed it off as if it really were.

We were about to exit the store when a bunch of fans recognized them. Luckily, I was prepared after some wise words from their manager. I grabbed both of their hands and charged to the nearest secluded store. We bought some sunglasses and some caps, they could almost pass as civilians.

Wookie wanted to buy some clothes, he already had a store in mind, making Kyu and I think it'd make things fast. We could not have been more wrong. He wanted to try on EVERYTHING he saw. We sat outside the changing room, faces buried in our hands. 

"How about this one?" Ryeowook popped out wearing an adorable striped sweater. 

I got up and clapped, "I want a matching one. It's just too freaking cute on you!" 

"We could be twins!" He quickly ran to find one in my size. 

Kyuhyun was bored, so I decided to take my turn. We walked around until I found an adorable pink shop. I went inside, wanting to find a cute dress. Kyuhyun and Ryewook started getting excited about me trying on clothes, they ended up picking most of the things. I was shoved into the dressing room, with an armful of things. I put on a short flower dress, it was the color of a cherry, complimenting my skin color well. I walked out for them to see. 

"I love it~ Leave it on, you look adorable." Ryeowook found some flats that matched the dress. 

I looked at Kyuhyun, waiting for my compliment. 

He looked at me in every angle and finally saying, "Rough around the edges, but you could lose that baby fat with some running." 

"Is that your idea of a compliment?" I crossed my arms.

"Well, I wouldn't mind being seen out in public with you anymore." 

"OMO, KyuhyUGH, stop. Please. You're making me blush." I teased. 

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