Chapter 66

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"Wakey, wakey," I shoved Kyuhyun's shoulder softly. "Super Show in Tokyo's today, and it can't go on without you." 

He groaned, turning to the other side. "Five more minutes." 

"Come on, Kyu." 

 "Kyuhyun's not here, leave a message." 

I got out of the bed, "tell him I'll be in the shower, and if he doesn't have enough hot water, sorry, but I tried to warn him." 

I grabbed a couple of the shopping bags from the previous day, and took out the outfit of the day. I had bought enough clothes to rebuild my wardrobe. Not that I was being a whiney kid, I loved it. What I didn't love was the fact that I didn't have any underwear. I didn't even bother to go to my hotel room. Knowing Mateo, he was probably nailing a different girl. 

"Thinking of hogging up all the hot water, eh?" Kyuhyun shoved me against the bathroom's counter. 

"The one time in the entire year that you finally decide to shower and it's today? Come on, I already called it. I even warned you," I pushed him back. "First come, first served, sucker." 

"Nope, this is my hotel room, therefor I make the rules, and the rules say I shower first," he poked my shoulder. 

I pulled his hand, "ever heard of ladies first?" 

"I'm sorry, you don't qualify," he stuck his tongue out. 

I quickly took the three large steps to make it into the shower, "looks like I"m already in here." 

He made his way into the shower too, and went past me to turn on the faucet, "me too. Now if you don't want to get wet, I suggest you step out, right now." 

"Not happening, kid," I crossed my arms. "I woke up first." 

"Only because I fell asleep last." 

"Get out," I said. "It won't take me long." 

"You get out," he huffed. 

I stripped off my shirt and shorts, leaving myself in my underwear. "I'm more ready to shower than you are." 

"Impressive," he raised a brow. "Your panties and your bra match. And they don't have any cartoons on them, it's almost like you're an adult." 

"Glad we're on the same page, now get out." 

He pulled his shirt over his head, and dropped his jeans along with the pile of clothes on the other side of the bathroom. His physique was easy on the eyes, but I wasn't going to go down without a fight. 

"Look who's also ready to shower," he smirked. 

"Very nice briefs," I admitted, trying to not make it obvious that I was totally looking there. "Get out." 

His fingers inched for the bar to make the water go to the shower head, "you have five seconds before I make the water run." 

I stood there, unmoved. 


"Five," I finished for him. 

He wasn't kidding. The cold water sprinkled all over us, and it wasn't the best feeling ever. It was freezing. I let out an audible gasp. I was trying so hard not to shake, because that would mean I would surrender. Not on my watch. 

"This is really fucking cold," Kyuhyun trembled. "Come here, give me body heat." 

I didn't hesitate to press my shivering body against his. We hugged, becoming drenched in the cold water, underwear soaked. 

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