Chapter 55

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"I should have gotten the chicken," Penny pouted.  

"You don't like the beef?" Ryeowook asked. 

She nodded, "No, it's pretty good, but I'm really craving chicken." 

Donghae chuckled, "Yeah? I sure hope so, cause that's a very comforting thought." 

"Did I like chicken?" 

"LIKE? I'm pretty sure you loved it more than you loved any of us," he rubbed her knee.

Penny smiled at him warmly. She turned to her other side where I was sitting, and stared at me. Her head shifted, to further observe me. 

"So what's your name?" 

"Me?! I'm the great Cho Kyuhyun," I smirked. 

"The great? Is that a self given title or are you actually great at something?" 

"Wow. Even if you don't remember anything, you STILL have an attitude with me." 

"That's right! You don't know any of our names. Time for a formal introduction, isn't it?" Ryeowook extended his hand to her, "I'm Kim Ryeowook, but you can call me Wookie." 

She shook his hand, "Nice to meet you, Wookie." 

"I'm Lee Donghae," he placed his arm around her. 

"And who are you? You're the only one that isn't Asian here, besides me, of course," she said to Danielle.

"Rude! But I'm your younger cousin, Ariana Danielle. You call me Dani, or fat lard, whale, you know, the works," she grinned. 

"Oooooh. cool. You're my only family member? My parents?" 

"I'm your only family member here, in Seoul. Your parents are in the US, where you left them. They don't know what happened to you, by the way. My brother said it would worry them too much if we told them, so we decided not to. Unless things didn't look up. Luckily, you woke up in time. I was about to call them," she spoke quickly. 

Her Korean was clear and seamless. She had conquered it pretty well in the past two months. She had to, Henry wasn't always around to translate for her, and she needed to talk to the hospital staff somehow. 

"Good," Penny nodded. 

"Alright, I called everyone in the group. They're all quite relieved," Siwon strolled into the room. "Penelope! I'm so unbelievably glad you're alright!" 

He ran up to the bed, waiting for Donghae to move aside,  allowing him to hug her. She rested her head on his chest, a slight pink tint on her cheeks. 

"Thanks," she mumbled, as they pulled away. "And who are you?" 

Siwon's brows furrowed in confusion, "What's she talking about?"           

"She has amnesia. She doesn't remember anything or anyone," Donghae explained. "It may or may not be temporarily." 

"I'm sure it will only be a short while for her memory to come back," Siwon returned to her. "I'm Choi Siwon. 

"A pleasure to meet you," she blinked in awe. "You weren't my boyfriend too, by any chance?" 

"What? Well, we always had this undeniable chemistry, I must admit." 

"I totally sense the undeniable chemistry," she sighed dreamily. 

"YAH! Pft, undeniable chemistry," Donghae huffed. "Please." 

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