Chapter 3

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Can't believe this is actually happening to me right now. Seriously....this is all happening to ME? Penelope? Holy shit. My thoughts are a mess, not knowing where one starts and the next begins. I feel my stomach twist and turn with anxiety. My palms are sweaty and a bit shaky. Am I dressed the part? Or am I supposed to look like a teacher?

I'm wearing a black v-neck, black skinny jeans and my pink converse, you know, the usual-too casual? I don't know what the dress code is for this. I'm a freaking tutor! I mean...not just a regular student's tutor..I'm the tutor of thirteen worldwide known guys. I think I'm prepared for this. I'm expecting either really sweet personalities or really big snobs, but I'm ready for the worst.

"Penelope?" My thoughts are quickly interrupted by Mr. Kim Jung Hoon, Super Junior's Prince Manager.

"You ready to meet the boys? I was going through your application and you seem to be the best candidate for them. I wasn't going to get some old guy for the part, they guys would never learn or even bother to pay attention! I'm glad I found someone young and clearly skilled in the language. I know there's a language barrier, the irony! But I'm sure this will help you as well, to learn Korean!" He chuckled happily.

We went up the elevator, towards their dorm. These are extremely private sessions. As much as I'm excited about this job offfer, I can't help but wonder why they need to learn Spanish.

As if reading my thoughts Mr. Kim looked at me and said, "They need to learn Spanish before they go on a Latin American tour. They'll be appearing on a few talk shows and I want them to be able to speak to their fans."

We walked down the hallway until we reached a large door. He knocked loudly on the door.

"Annyeong, hyung!"

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