Chapter 16

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I couldn't quite understand what was going on between Kyuhyun and Penny. Maybe they were really on a date when I ran into them, but why were they spying? 

I sat across from them, watching them flirt. Kyuhyun clearly initiated it after seeing me with my date. I was only doing such things for Penelope. She had wanted that to happen, might as well give her a first row show. 

I still didn't capture her motives. She wasn't enjoying any of it, her emotions were pretty much stapled on her forehead. Every time I did anything she would look down, until Kyuhyun complimented her, then she would look up at him and smile.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that she was interested in him as well. I was probably oblivious to it before, either that or they had grown close since their peace treaty. Whatever may have been the case, I hated it. 

I dropped off my date home, actually listening to what she had to say the second time around. I was starting to convince myself that she wasn't that bad after all. She kissed me goodbye before walking into her home. It felt strange, like the summer breeze was blowing in my face when I was twenty-two, when I first met her.

It wasn't unpleasant, it was actually refreshing, it felt right. Penelope was definitely right about something. 

"Hahaha! I'll cook up whatever you guys want, except Korean, I can't do that without the help of Wookie." Penny was wearing an apron and a chef's hat made out of newspaper, standing in the kitchen. 

"Oh, Donhae, you're back. What do you want to eat? Penny's cooking alone tonight~" Eunhyuk dragged me into the kitchen. 

"Oh, um, anything's fine with me." I nodded. Everyone was acting normal, except Penny, Ryeowook, Sungmin, and for some reason, Kyuhyun. 

"How about you cook up some Mexican food?" Ryewook suggested.

"Sure! How about some flautas? They're pretty much fried chicken tacos." 

"Sounds great. I'll help you." Kyuhyun stood next to her. 

Siwon raised a brow, "you don't even like cooking for yourself." 

"Well I'm trying to explore other cultures, GOSH, hyung. Let me explore the vast world." 

With that Kyuhyun and Penny grabbed their ingredients, as Penny told Kyuhyun what to do. 

"So you're back with your ex, huh?" Shindong winked.

Leeteuk stared sternly at me, "she was the girl with you that night, hm?" 

Penny turned to see what my answer would be. 

"Yeah, we're going for a round two. Things are already looking better than the first try." I said, completely ignoring the second question. 

"Sure seems like it, if she's the one that's been keeping you busy for the past few months." Heechul teased, "You didn't have to keep her a secret, I'm sure that was hard. You could have just told us all along it was her." 

I scratched my head anxiously, "Yeah, you're right. It feels better, now that you guys know." 

Penny had already busied herself, teaching Kyuhyun how to cut up the lettuce, she had stopped listening after I answered the first question. She wasn't ready for that response so soon, I guessed.

"Penny, how about that guy you were talking about earlier? He still remains nameless, and you're over here flirting up a storm with our maknae..."   Leeteuk was on brother mode.

Both Penny's and Kyuhyun's heads shot up. 

"Oh, him? He's in the past now. Things didn't exactly work out the way I had wanted them to. Shame really, he was a great guy. Just a terrible listener." She shrugged. 

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