Chapter 11

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I woke up in a rush. I had a bad dream, terrifying really.

I was with the group at a concert, it was KRY's turn to do a song. I got up on the stage with Yesung and Ryeowook. We started to sing "Promise You". The horrifying part was that there was only one audience member...Miss Piggy. She was smiling the same smile I saw yesterday. For some reason I kept singing, all emotional and stuff. Last time I checked that song is pretty sentimental about love and stuff. I have no such feelings for said Piggy. We can hardly stand breathing the same air.

I tried to shake that dream off, as best as I could, and got off my bed. OUCH, everything still hurt, meaning I was still pretty sick. I went to the kitchen to get some medication, I can't be sick. We started rehearsals again next week. I was just becoming a better dancer!

"Good morning, our evil maknae." Leeteuk welcomed me.

Everyone was already awake, eating some pancakes...again? I was just introduced to their deliciousness the other day...yesterday? I don't know who made them, but they were amazing. I found an empty seat next to Donghae and served myself a couple of pancakes from the center of the table. I asked him to pass the syrup but he didn't. He just sat there angrily glaring at Miss Piggy.

"Here you go." Sungmin gave it to me.

The ambiance was awkward. It was mostly small talk just so it wouldn't be dead quiet.

"Great pancakes! Ryeowook, you cook them well for someone who isn't a Westerner." I complimented him, taking another bite.

"I didn't cook them. Penny did."

Pen- Miss Piggy tried to smile, but she couldn't, not genuinely. She looked pretty tired. I haven't even insulted her yet.

"I thought they were pretty burnt." Donghae said.

I'm not a genius or anything, but I guessed they had a fight. Miss Piggy didn't argue back, she just looked down, defeated.

"Everyone seems to have liked them." Ryeowook interrupted their little eye battle.

"What's going on with you two. We thought you guys got along pretty well..." Eunhyuk frowned.

"I have to go. I have an interview to do. I'll see you guys later." Donghae grabbed his jacket and left without another glance at her.

Something definitely went down with them if Donghae's that angry.

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I wasn't angry at Donghae anymore, my anger pretty much fades after some good sleep. I wanted to talk to him this morning about everything, hoping to get things back to normal, but he was obviously still so angry with me that he left.

I picked up the table after the rest of the guys went on their daily activities. Some had shoots for magazines, some had interviews, and some just wanted to be out of the dorm. I was completely alone...well besides Kyuhyun.

He hadn't insulted me yet, which seemed odd, and quite frankly, messed up my schedule. We usually spent about fifteen minutes arguing and pushing each other around in the morning. I was done cleaning way too fast.

I didn't have class, so I didn't really know what to do with so much spare time. I decided to sit around in the living room and read. I wasn't really interested in the book, I had no care if Sookie hooked up with Bill again. I skimmed through the pages hoping to get interested somewhere along the lines.

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