Chapter 39

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Donghae closed the door gently. I stood in the middle of my room, waiting for him to direct me where to go. He walked to me, smiling a bit nervously.

"I, uh. I got you something," he snatched a small box out of his pocket.

"Why? It isn't my birthday..."

"It doesn't have to be. Can I not spoil you?"

I shrugged, "Yes, but it really isn't necessary, and I'm not really used to it."

"Start getting used to it. I love you, and I not only want to shower you with kisses. I want to shower you with gifts, that way when you look at them you'll think of me."

"I'm always thinking about you. I don't need to look at anything to be reminded that I come home to you," I looked away.

He stepped closer to me, "Really, now? I love hearing that, cause you're stuck in my head. Your eyes, your smile, your laugh, the way you can turn shy, and the way your lips feel. It's all engraved in my head and in here," he pointed at his chest.

His sweet words gave me goosebumps. I felt like I was suddenly dreaming. I pinched my cheek to make sure.

"Ow!" Okay, definitely not dreaming.

"Why did you...?"

"Just making sure I'm not daydreaming in class," I rubbed my cheek to relieve the pain.

"You daydream about me?"

"All the time. If not I replay all the moments we spend together over and over again," I sighed dreamily. "I sound stupid, huh?"

He shook his head, "Not at all. I do that too. But I also think about future moments that we'll share. Then I get super happy and excited because I know they'll be amazing."

"Every moment we share is amazing," a dazed into his brown eyes.

"Except that one time we went out for seafood. You couldn't hold down the squid," he frowned.

I giggled, "I tried! But the squid wanted to live, so it crawled out of my stomach. But then I made up for it by eating more fish!"

Donghae gasped, "I can't believe you ate my family. My aunts, my uncles, my cousins!"

"You ate them too! You're a cannibal..."

"I only did it for you," he defended.

"Okay, you're forgiven. I won't tell anyone about it, promise," I held out my pinky.

He locked his small finger on mine and shook it. He then snapped the box open, to reveal silver star studs. "For you, because you always find a way to remain shining, even when everything is dark."

"Wow, they're so beautiful!"

He smiled and took them out of the cushion. He pushed my hair behind my ear, and slipped one on my left ear. He did the same to the right ear. Before he pulled away, he kissed my jawline, right below my lobe. Shivers went down my body at the gentle touch.

"Thank you," I murmured.

"A pleasure," he leaned his face towards mine, taking his time. His lips were centimeters from joining mine.

"Penny~ Get ready, we're going out to eat to celebrate Kangin's arrival!" Yesung skipped into my room. His excited face became confused.

"I was just telling Penny she had some dry boogers," Donghae turned his head, as if examining my nostrils. "Yeah, you definitely need to catch up on your nasal hygiene."

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