Chapter 56

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"You think she's holding up well next door?" I turned to Henry. 

"I'm sure she found one of the guys awake or something," he smiled. 

"But she's afraid of storms..." 

"And he has a dorm full of guys that can take care of her." 

"But what if she's too shy to-" 

"Dani, she's fine. If she wasn't she'd already be here. Stop worrying about her so much, she's doing great," he shook my shoulders. "Although that storm is really strong." 

We gazed out towards the large window in the living room. We were the only two awake in our dorm, Zhou Mi and Kangin were exhausted. Which was okay by Henry and I. We hadn't had alone time in weeks. 

"Do you think she'll freak out when she gets her memory back?" 

"Most likely, a lot has changed since she's been gone," he put away his phone. "Donghae and Jessica are together, you became friends with Krystal, Kyuhyun made his feelings for her obvious, and her hair grew like an inch." 

"She's going to flip tables." 

"Many. Especially with Jessica...Anyway, enough about Penny. This is the first time we've been alone in weeks. Now that Penny's fine, we can relax and just focus on each other." 

"So, how are you Henry Lau?" 

"Busy as a bee making honey. How are you, Ariana Danielle Garcia?" 

"I MISS PENNY~" I cried. 

"You have Penny...she's alright," he rubbed my back. "Her memory will be back soon." 


"If you really want to...I can do it for her. Maybe it can fill up that void inside of you." 

"Let's try it!" 

I was willing to, I missed my fat cousin too much. It was becoming unbearable having no one to argue with. 

"Fat ugly whale?" 

I shook my head, "You have to say it like you mean it." 


"Awww," I frowned. "You really think I'm fat, ugly, and a whale? Why would you say that to me? Are you trying to hurt my feelings?" 


"Yeah, but you didn't have to be that believable...geesh," I sighed. "But it's not the same anyways." 

"Hey, at least we tried," he smiled. "So about your prom..." 

"Which one? The one I couldn't go to in the states or the one I couldn't go to in Seoul?" 

"The one you couldn't go to in Seoul." 

After Penny's accident, Henry told me all about the surprise prom he was planning to throw me. I was overwhelmed with happiness. How sweet could he be? Since he'd spoiled the surprise he introduced me to Krystal, who had been helping him the whole time. We hit it off pretty well, having the same taste in most things. I'd liked the things she had picked out, and she liked my hair. We hung out a couple more times after that. The prom hadn't come up, we had all been worried about Penny. And now that she was well and healthy (for the most part), it was time to be brought up again.

"What about my prom?" 

"Do you still want it to happen?" 

"What kind of question is that?! Of course I do!" 

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