Chapter 36

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"I'll take that one!" Henry pointed at the huge brown teddy bear.

It was probably the size of Penny when she curled up in a ball. I couldn't help  but laugh, remembering our silly sleep overs. I would take up ninety percent of the bed, leaving her cornered at the edge of the bed. She even fell once, hitting her head on the wall. 

"What's so funny?" Henry took the bear in his arms. 

I immediately stopped, "Oh, nothing. You like your bear?" 

"Pft, of course I do," he hugged it. "I can't believe you won it for me...thanks." 

"You're welcome. A pleasure, really," I shrugged. 

"I won't ever doubt your gaming abilities ever again," he promised. 

We ended up staying a little longer than we expected. Both of us got too competitive, jumping from one game to the next, the amount of tickets we got out of the machines were mostly mine. 

"I told you I was going to kick your butt," I said with confidence. 

"You know, I totally let you win so you wouldn't feel bad about yourself..." 

I gasped, "YOU DIDN'T!" 

He gave me a menacing stare, then shook his head. "No, I didn't. You're pretty good, and super competitive. It must run in the family..." 

"Penny too, huh? We were raised among six uncles, and about ten male cousins, what do you think? But Penelope's worse. She pushed me off the bed once because she wanted to text a guy I liked, who happened to be five years younger than her! She didn't like him, but she just liked that she was getting more attention from him than me...SHE PUSHED ME OFF THE BED!" 

Henry howled with laughter, "Even sweet little Penny has a cute little evil." 

I glared at him as hard as I could. I had to stop because my head started to hurt. 

"You hungry?" 

I nodded earnestly. 

"Let's go!" He grabbed my hand with his free hand, and made me jog with him to his car.

He went to the passenger seat, opening the back door. I was surprised that he was opening the door for me, especially the back door. Did he want me to ride in the back?

I started to set my foot in, when he raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" 

"Getting in the car?" 

"In the backseat? Get in the front with me!" He smiled. 

I went around the door, and opened the passenger door, settling in. I turned back confused as to why he had opened the back door. He had seated the giant bear in the middle and was buckling him up. I covered my face with my hands in shame. He hadn't opened the door for me, he had done it for the bear, and me being the idiot that I am, tried to sit in, probably looking stupid. 

Henry turned on the car, and drove away. I gazed at the streets, the sun still bright. It was early, maybe two in the afternoon. The further we went, the busier it seemed to be. We stopped at a small avenue, filled with shops and restaurants. It looked beautiful, every building was alive with bright colors, all inviting. 

I clicked the seat belt off, stepping out onto the sidewalk. I waited for Henry to make his way to me, who seemed excited about eating. He grasped my hand in his and slowly led me down the alley. I couldn't stop exploring every inch with my eyes. It was just so animated. 

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