Chapter 8

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What's up with Ryeowook? He's definitely hiding something.

"Did you see something you weren't supposed to?" Heechul asked.

"N-no." He stuttered. He's a horrible liar.

"You probably walked into what's her face's room and saw her naked, huh?" I smirked.


"Then what did you see?" I insisted.

"Nothing you should worry about." He walked to the fridge and took out the gallon of milk.

Sungmin walked into the kitchen half awake, "Can I sleep with you Wookie?"

"Of course." Ryeowook handed him a glass of milk.

"Why don't you sleep in your room?" Heechul raised an eyebrow.

"Donghae's sleeping with someone else in there. Maybe he needs some privacy." He shrugged.


"Yeah, he must have brought a girl back from a date or somethin." He took out some cookies.

"Since when does he date? I want to take a look at the girl he's brought over. Maybe it's one of the girls from SNSD." I walked towards their room, when Ryeowook grabbed my arm and led me to his room.

"How about we all have a sleepover in my room? Donghae will surely present his new friend to us in the morning. We don't want to interrupt anything..."

"Besides, what's there to interrupt? You know Donghae's shy around girls. They must be hugging at the most." Sungmin joined us.

"Heechul, are you coming?" I invited him.

He shook his head and went back to eating.

We walked into their room to see Yesung talking to his turtle friends, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Wookie invited us over for a sleepover!!" Sungmin pounced on him, giggling. He's such a kid.


"Yeah, apparently Donghae has a girl over and poor Minnie has no where to sleep." Wookie frowned.

"A GIRL? DONGHAE?" I guess Yesung was just as astonished as I was.

"Why don't we get a girl ourselves? Let's invite Penelope~" Sungmin sang, he really likes her.

"How about NO. She'll ruin the fun for everyone. She's so boring."

"God, Kyuhyun what do you have against her? She's so much fun, she's always willing to play with me, unlike some others I know..." He glared at me.

I threw a pillow at him, to shut him up. He wouldn't stand such violence and threw one at me. Ryeowook bounced on Yesung, starting a huge pillow fight.

I love these guys so much, they can even make me laugh when I'm in a sour mood.

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I woke up to the smell of delicious pancakes. Pancakes? Who's cooking pancakes instead of noodles?

I sat up and remembered what had happened last night. Where did Penelope go? She must have gone to her room in the middle of the night. I hope none of the guys saw she was here, they would come to the wrong conclusion.

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