Chapter 70

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"Aren't you in the Halloween spirit every day of the year, though?" 

"Henry, you can either watch this with me or you can go sulk somewhere else," I warned him. "I'm the only companion you have right now." 

"Fine, but I won't be held responsible for the nightmares you get tonight," he headed to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?" 

"Surprise me!" 

Henry was right though. I was in the Halloween spirit every day of the year, but I was feeling extra spooky cause of the rainy, dark weather. It was an awesome thing that he didn't have a schedule for the week, cause that meant I wasn't abandoned while the rest of them had to work. 

"We have leftovers from last night, do you want that or should we get takeout?" he yawned. "This weather's making me want to take a nap instead." 

"Didn't you just wake up?" 

"There's nothing wrong with taking a nap ten minutes after waking up." 

"I'm not judging you," I judged him extra hard with my eyes. "Let's get some pizza." 

I called in the order for a large supreme pizza with extra onions and green peppers. While he went on to pick it up, I wrote up some notes for the night's lesson. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Which was weird, cause like no one ever knocked on the door in this dorm. My heart sped up a little bit, with the silent thought of Joey at the back of my head. 

I opened up the door to find our neighbor from two floors down. We'd seen each other often enough, and she was sweet enough to sometimes give me the street gossip. 

"Hello," I smiled. 

"Glad it's you! I was hoping you'd be the one to answer the door," the woman sighed in relief. "You're not busy doing anything are you?" 


"You don't happen to have any plans later do you?!" 

"No!" I repeated. 

"Could you do me a huge favor and take care of my little Hyeri?" she gestured towards the four year old girl. 

"Sure!" I signed myself up for something regardless if I knew whether I was capable of handling it or not.  "For how long?" 

Mrs. Park nervously chuckled, "probably most of today. I have a lot of appointments to go to today, and my husband is out of town." 

"Oh, okay." 

"Hyeri, you remember Penny, right?" she pulled on the girl's tiny hand. "She'll take care of you today." 

"H-h-hi," she stuttered, but easily stepped into the dorm. 

"You behave, and listen to her, alright?" her mom gave her the basic instructions that every mom gave to a child before abandoning them. 

Hyeri had no problem welcoming herself. She began exploring the new space while her mom gave me emergency phone numbers and the do's and dont's of the kid. After she left was when I realized the giant responsibility I had blindly agreed to. 

"Honey~ I'm home," Henry slammed the door behind him, startling the timid Hyeri, who ran to hide behind my legs. "Whatchu got there?" 

"We have a special visitor here today," I cleared my throat. "It's okay, kiddo, Henry's a cool guy." 

Hyeri peeked around my leg to see Henry, "hi." 

"D'aw, she's so cute," Henry dropped to his knees. "Where'd you find her?" 

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