Chapter 58

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We had ran away from the party. Right after we won, we danced a little bit more, talked to a few more guests, then bolted out the door hoping no one would notice. Things were getting a bit monotonous, and I was more than eager to spend alone time with my date. Completely alone. When suggested that we should escape, I didn't hesitate to agree. We were in his car, the destination was unknown to me. But wherever it was, it would be great.

"I can't believe we actually won," Kyuhyun repeated for the millionth time.

I nodded, "Me either. Like wow. People actually like us."

"You mean like ME," he corrected.

"No, no, no. They like ME. Because I'm cute and being cute is something necessary in a relationship."

"In a relationship? We're a thing now? You didn't even ask politely, pig," Kyuhyun sneered. "I'm pretty sure I'd say 'no' anyway."

I glared at him, "Yeah right! You know you're dying to be with someone like me."

"Please! I have better options."

"Your Mac Pro? I'm not sure you can make love to your laptop."

"What a pervert! I wasn't even thinking of anything sexual, your mind is really in the gutter. Have you been having dirty thoughts about me?!" He shrieked.

"EW. NO. Why would I want to psychologically scar myself?"

"It seems like sex is the first thing on your mind, you ALWAYS bring it up."

"ALWAYS? EXCUSE ME? Name three times," I dared him.

"Okay, maybe you don't say it out loud, but I can see it in your eyes," he said without looking at me.

His gaze was fixed on the road in front of him. I could bet a bazillion dollars he didn't know where he was taking me. That assured me of a great adventure to come.

"In my eyes? You can see that sex is always on my mind? HA HA HA," I laughed sarcastically.

"Yes. Your body says 'I'm a klutz with an overwhelming amount of bruises who isn't ready for a man's touch', but your eyes say 'I'm extremely kinky. Chains and whips excite me'," he smirked.

"Wow, you're right. How did you know?"


"NO! The only thing that's always on my mind is-"

"Food, I know, we all do," he rolled his eyes.

"I think the one with the dirty mind is you, KyuhUGH,"

He gasped, "Me?!"

"Oh, please! Don't think for a moment that I see you as a perfectly innocent little boy. You're a grown man. And all grown men only think about one thing..."

He slammed on the breaks, "Oh, look. We're here."

I held on to the door handle for dear life. The seat belt did its job, keeping from flying out the windshield. That was the end of that conversation. How convenient. I had been to absorbed in our debate, that I hadn't recognized our building's parking lot.

"I thought you said you were taking me out on a second date," I whined. "We're at the dorm."

"This is your second date, you spoiled little brat! What did you expect? A five star restaurant?! DO I LOOK RICH TO YOU?"

"I sure hope so. You're not cute enough for me to date, I would hope there would at least be SOME benefits."

"Who said we were dating?"


"That's right. Now please, shut up. You're making me regret my decisions," he chuckled. "Ready for date numero dos?"

I teared up, "Oh my God! Look at my worst student using his best Spanish! I'm so proud."

"Will I be getting extra credit for this?"

I didin't have time for a sassy response, only enough to drop my mask next to his on the backseat. He was out of the car, and on my side, opening the door for me. Talk about chivalrous.

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"Did they really just ditch us?"

"They didn't 'ditch' us, they ran away, you know, like in love stories," Henry defended.

"No. They ditched us, babe."

"But only to be alone and enjoy each others' company by candlelight."

"Henry, they left us. Almost right after they won."

"Just so they could-"


"Why does it matter so much? It isn't like we're at the party either."

"AT LEAST WE SAID BYE! This fat cunt couldn't even tell me her company wasn't going to be around anymore! Ugh, I'm so fifty shades done with her," I rolled my eyes.

I wasn't going to forgive Penny so easily. I knew she had a good reason, but damn, you can at least let a homie know! And also, I wanted to make sure her hair looked good. If she was going to go out with Kyuhyun, she had to look hot. Cause that's how you seduce men. With high temperatures.

"Anyway, Dani, I hope you like what I planned for us this evening," my boyfriend winked.

"In addition to my prom? You planned something else?"

"Consider it part two of the prom," he led me up more stairs.

We too, had left the prom. Only after bidding farewell to everyone, and thanking them for their presence, did we make our way to the other side of the city. We had entered another large building, and had taken the emergency stair case up about eight floors.

"We're not supposed to be up here, are we?" I asked, finally reaching the top.

"Who said it wasn't fun to break the rules?"

We were at the door that opened up to the rooftop. I was very curious as to what behind. What had my boyfriend planned this time?

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"This is actually perfect," I crossed my legs. "I'm impressed."

"What? Did you think there wasn't an ounce of romance in me? Please, Lee MinHo should start taking notes from me," Kyuhyun grinned.

The view from the balcony was perfect late at night. Streets were lit and ever so busy, it being the weekend. I held the glass of wine, the stem between my fingers. We dragged out a couple of chairs from the kitchen outside. Kyuhyun surprised me with one of his favorites from his wine collection. It may not seem like much to most girls with high expectations, but for me it was spot on. I could enjoy the warm breeze, the stars glistening above us, the bittersweet taste of liquor, and most importantly good company. I wouldn't change a thing about it.

"Were you planning on doing this?"

"No. I was going to originally take you out for some Italian, but we weren't going to be alone. No way in hell. If any of the reporters saw us," he ran his index finger across his neck. "We'd be dead."

"And coming back to the dorm where everyone lives ensures complete privacy?"

"Don't worry, I've taken care of that. Our evening will be completely uninterrupted for at least four more hours," he promised.


"A friend of mine is throwing a huge after party in our honor."


"He'll keep everyone away. I trust his word."

We sipped the sweet wine quietly for a few minutes. I had never been more enchanted by the night sky. Maybe it was something in the air that made it feel like a fairy tale. Definitely better than any Italian restaurant. That's saying a lot, I love Italian cuisine.

Kyuhyun sat up, "Are you going to take off the crown?"

"Are you?" I retorted.

"No. Once a king, always a king," he howled with over dramatic, evil laughter.

I smiled, "I had fun tonight."

"Had? Tonight isn't over yet."

"Okay, so far, it has been a lot of fun. Don't ruin it," I gave him a dirty look.

He groaned, "Aish! I'm trying my best here! Is it not enough for you?!?"

"Nope. You forgot the unicorns, the rainbows, the pandas, the giraffes, the naked Jonghyun-"

"The naked Jonghyun? From SHINee? You're not getting that. He's way out of your league."

"What exactly is in my league?"


"So does that make you a cat or a dog?" I bent over to remove the high heels. There would be no more need for them anymore.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the sound of the city . I loved the fact that neither of us felt the need to talk to fill in the silence. It was comfortable.

"Kyuhyun-ah~," I wailed.

"Yes?" He perked up.

"I want to tell you something I was going to tell you earlier," I gulped, not sure if I was going to regret my decision.

"Earlier?" He scoot his chair closer.

I cleared my throat, "Yeah, when we were dancing. And you had to go."

"Did you like the song?"

"I loved it! It was beautiful," I blinked. "But that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Then what is it?"

I can't do this. I can't do this. But shit, I already brought it up. I already made up my mind. I MUST tell him my true feelings. I HAVE to. It's only fair. Since he did. And I was going to do it anyway, before he left. So I might as wel..right? RIGHT? What if he laughs in my face? Is he evil enough to do something so cruel? Why am I worrying so much about this? I mean if he could do it, I sure as hell could too. Why am I so nervous?

"I just wanted to tell you that I really like you too. I'm sure you already knew that, but it only seems fair that I say that I have fallen for you too. You know, since you told me too. That way we both know that we're on the same page, " I blurted.

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"Wow, you can see the river from here!" I exclaimed.

"This used to be my favorite place to be when I first signed with S.M. I used to sneak up here when I was a trainee, never got caught," he said with pride.

"You rebellious kid!"

He laughed, "Does that me hot or what?"

"Extremely," I nodded. "So why are we here?"

"I just wanted to spend a little alone time with you. Just relax together. We haven't had a chance since Penny's accident and all," he reminded me. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Of course I did! I got to make so many new friends, I danced with the greatest guy in the building, nothing could have made it better."

"You're not sad about losing?

"Hmmm," I tapped my chin. "No."

"Not even a little bit?"

I shook my head, "Nope."

"You're not just saying that because Penny won?"

"No, I'm genuinely happy she won. In fact, I voted for her to win," I confessed. "Not going to lie, it would have been AMAZING to have won. But it's okay that I didn't. The world isn't going to stop spinning."

"I'm happy to hear that. And to know you're not a sore loser. In all fairness though-"

"They're really good together," I finished his sentence.

"Yeah, they are. But I like us together too. A lot more."

"WELL DUH! We're like the cutest couple in the dorm!"

"I don't know, Heechul and Heebum are pretty darn adorable together," he joked.

I giggled, "If I haven't thanked you for tonight...THANK YOU."

"You did," he beamed. "You also said something earlier..."

"Wo ai ni?"

"Ah, those words are so sweet like chocolate," he sighed dreamily. "Back at cha."

I raised my eyebrows, "Really?I learn to declare my love for you in your native language and all I get is a 'back at cha'?"

"I knew you'd complain about it! Penny warned me," he grunted. "AHEM, te quiero, te amo, te adoro."

I tilted my head with surprise, "She has taught you well."

Henry wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and pecked my forehead. "I really do love you."

"I really love you too."

"Good to know we're on the same boat. I thought I was the only one with the feelings."

"Me too," I blushed.

"Baby, you'll never be alone, you have me. Every step of everyday."

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"You've fallen for me?" Kyuhyun cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah," I exhaled.

"I know," he grinned. "I'm irresistible."

I glared at him, "Maybe I've gone blind."

He returned an evil look, "I think you ripped your dress."

"Ripped? Where?" I frantically searched for the hole.

"Right there," he poked my bare upper thigh.

"That's part of the slit of the dress, dumbo."

"So it's supposed to be like that?"



"it's supposed to be sexy," I huffed.

Kyuhyun eyeballed me slowly from head to toe. I sat as still as I could, not wanting to suddenly look fat. He proceeded to shrug.

"Eh," he looked away.

"So this is what we're going to do for the next few hours alone? Is this really what you had in mind?"

"Sort of. I actually wanted to celebrate," he gestured from him to me," us."


"Yeah, us. I really like the sound of that," he admitted.

"I do too," I agreed. "How exactly are we celebrating this?"

He held up his glass to me, "To us."

"To us," I clinked my glass against his.

We drank down what wine remained in a single gulp. He poured both glasses again to the top. He wasn't kidding. I was about to take a sip, but he stopped me.

"Actually, before we drink anymore, I want to do something that won't be a foggy memory in the morning," he took our glasses and set them aside.

I stared at him with wide eyes, trying to get the meaning of his words. Although I was lying to myself, I knew exactly what he had in mind; I had the same thing on mine.

Kyuhyun was at the edge of his seat, leaning closer to me. I grew weary of how slow he was approaching me and bent over to meet him with only an inch or two apart. His eyes were right on mine, not wanting to leave them. He removed the remaining distance between us, and his lips were perfectly planted on mine.

My heart felt as if had been set on fire. It was beating way out of control, causing me to freeze for a few seconds. During that time, Kyuhyun pressed his mouth stronger to my own. After the spell had been lifted, I regained my senses. I parted my lips slightly, taking his upper lip between them. His hands clasped my face on either side, keeping me in place. My hands rested on his shoulders calmly. His tongue lightly slid in the seam, asking for entrance. I allowed it to, my teeth nipping his bottom lip diligently. Our heads started to turn, demanding for more. Clink! My crown fell on the ground. Kyuhyun let go of my face, knowing I wasn't going to pull apart anytime soon. He flung his crown to the side too, and his hands were clenching to my rib cage. Suddenly my hands were tangled in his hair, managing to tug a few of his locks.

"Penny," he breathed.

I gasped, "Sorry...I was just caught up in the moment."

"Do you think we're going too fast?"

Were we? It was our first kiss, sober. I hadn't realized how much I had wanted to taste his lips. But I also had not realized the sexual tension that came when a simple peck was amplified with want and passion.

"You're right," I dropped my hands. "I'm not even your girlfriend."

"Be my girlfriend."

The firmness in his voice was more of a command than it was a request. I could see it in his eyes that he just wanted to continue what we had started, which was fine by me, because all I wanted to do was savor him while I had the chance. I simply nodded earnestly. Kyuhyun returned to my mouth with the same lustful movements.

"We should go somewhere else," I murmured through the smooches.

Without another word, he took my lips in his again, his arm around my waist, pulling us both to our feet. My hands were around his neck, not breaking the kiss and its flow. We staggered towards the door, making our way into the dorm again. Kyuhyun placed me down on nearest stable object. I shivered, my bare back cold against the wooden kitchen table, with his weight on top of me. He finally broke off the long kiss, only to caress my neck with his mouth, all the way down to my collar bone. I inhaled at the tenderness of it, opening my eyes to the darkened dining room.

His hands were now traveling down a little below my hips, pushing his body to mine as much as he could. I grabbed a hold of his neck, yanking his head back to me. I pressed his lips to mine, making sure to nibble it with a slight force. I felt him smirk under the kiss, along with his hand trailing on my thigh. His other was now holding my wrist down, to assure me that he too had control. The heat rising in my body was becoming unbearable from how little air there was around us.

Kyuhyun tore away, "Maybe we're enjoying this too much."

"Are you sure about that?" I challenged.

"Hell no," he growled, kissing me with a hint of aggression. "I've waited too long for this."

"It seems like I have too," I agreed.

"Glad to know we're on the same page about everything tonight," he pulled away.

I lay on the table, not knowing what his next move would be. He hauled me into his arms, carrying me down the hallway. We turned to his room, without bothering to turn on the lights, he threw me onto his bed with delicacy. He walked back to the door, only to slam it shut. I propped myself up on my elbows, earnestly waiting for him. On his way back, he took his suit coat off, dropping it carelessly on the corner along with his shoes. Finally making it back to me, his lips searched for mine instinctively. He laid my body back down completely on the bed, stretching himself on to me. I began to undo his bow tie, while he unzipped the back of my dress. He slipped it above my head, hurling it away. I unbuttoned his dress shirt as quickly as I could, and it too joined the ever growing pile of clothes on the floor.

Kyuhyun glanced down at my barely clothed body, and drank it in. He grinned, gently planting kisses from my collar bone to my earlobe. I pushed myself to rub against his bare chest, he grunted in surprise.

"Don't do that," he whispered into my ear. "Unless you want to finish what you started."

Before I could retaliate, he slowly pecked my lips, taking his time to suck on the bottom one. That was enough to leave me gasping for air. His right hand traveled down my body slowly, stopping my panty line. He lowered his head to my chest, setting a wet trail of pecks on my bosom. With his free hand he cupped the other, squeezing it softly. The small thrill made a feeble moan escape me. He let out a small chuckle, aware of what he was doing to me. I snatched the opportunity to get even, my hands slowly smoothing down his chest, to his lower abdomen. I undid the button on his slacks with no trouble. His breathing quickened against my chest, he came back up to me burying his face in my neck. I pushed his slacks down to reveal boxer briefs, that were being stretched out from his swelling. He kicked them off hurriedly, returning back to me.

He pressed himself on me, our feverish bodies melting together. His lips met mine, going back for another sloppy kiss. My teeth gritted against his lip, while he spread my thighs with his hips. The two thin pieces of fabric protected us, but weren't enough to stop the building sensation from our loins. He began grinding slowly, causing me to arch my back in pleasure. He took the opportunity to unclasp my bra with a single motion. It too, was disposed to some corner in the room. He grasped both breasts in his hands, with a stronger force. I bit him harder, almost sure I had left his lip swollen.

Bzzzzzzzzz Bzzzzzzz Bzzzzzz

The sound of his phone vibrating on the ground filled the silence. He broke away, to look back at it. He had an inner battle, deciding which was more important to tend to: the item on the floor, or the item under him. With a heavy sigh, he lifted off of me, leaving me panting on the bed. He picked up his slacks, retrieving the phone from one of his pockets. He turned it around, snapping off the back covering, and bumping the battery off of it, throwing it wherever it landed. In a few quick strides he was at the foot of the bed again. He yanked at my ankles, pulling me down to him, legs around his waist. I sat up, planting a steamy kiss. He intensified the kiss, hands traveling down my spine. Swiftly, he clutched my thighs, throwing me up. I wrapped my limbs around him, while he held me up.

"What if someone else calls you?" I gasped.

"They can fucking wait," Kyuhyun roared.

I had never been so turned on by anyone in my life. His aggressive tone was provoking me even more. In a matter of seconds, he plunged both of us on the bed, causing it to creak. His mouth went down to my collarbone, one hand just at the top of my bum, the other one earnestly making its way to the front of my crotch. He rubbed above the thin layer of cloth, managing to make me whimper. I felt his smirk against my skin, in victory. he knew the effect he was having on me, doing all the right moves.

"You haven't won yet," pushed him off of me, rolling him on to his back.

He grunted in surprise, as I straddled him, looking down at him with menacing eyes. He rose up his torso, indignantly. I shoved his shoulders back down with all my strength.

I wagged my finger, "You've had your chance."

Grinning, he gave up, awaiting my next step. I snapped my neck, my hair falling on his chest. I left small pecks from the side of his neck, slowly cascading through his abdomen, stopping at the band of his briefs. I placed my hand on top of his groin, squeezing tenderly. He inhaled loudly at the touch. Without thinking twice, I perched my mouth on his erection lightly grazing it up and down. He groaned, threading his fingers in my hair, trying to force me down. I shot up to my feet as quickly as I could, leaving him on the bed, his breathing troubled.

A smug smile appeared on my face, happy to have gotten my revenge. I was almost sure I had made him weaker than he had made me. He propped himself up from the bed, standing in front of me. His eyes had a predatory look, that sent shivers down my spine. I stumbled back a few steps, unknowing what his plans were. My stomach stirred up in anticipation.

He strode to me, "That wasn't very nice, you tease."

"I was only getting even with you," I tilted my head, defiantly.

"Come back here and finish what you started," he rumbled, his voice three octaves lower.

I cocked an eyebrow, "Make me."

"You have no idea what you've got coming for you," he threatened.

I stood there, anxiously excited. He strolled closer to me, and I stepped back more, trying to keep some distance. The game wasn't over yet. He chased behind me, slowly, almost as if we were dancing. Suddenly I was pressed up against the wall. Kyuhyun smirked, caging me, both of his hands pushed on the wall. I tried to run away, not quite ready to give up just yet, but he kept me in place, his arms not budging.

"Nope, you can't run away anywhere, naughty little piggy," he whispered in my ear. He strategically nibbled my ear lobe, making me vaporize under him. "Give up?"

"You make it sound like I have a choice," I mumbled.

He chuckled, "You're right. You don't."

My heart began to race when his hands slid down my sides, halting at my panties. He tugged them low, letting them fall around my feet. I was completely naked at that point, exposed to him. I pursed my lips nervously. I didn't want to disappoint his expectations. He stepped back, his eyes sweeping me from head to toe. It felt like he was devouring my small figure. I gulped, looking down. Kyuhyun was close to me again, he lifted my chin with his finger.

"Why are you so damn bewitching?" His voice fanned on my cheek.

I met his enticing gaze, "You know this isn't fair, KyuhyUGH."


I shook my head, "I'm completely naked, and you, however, are not," I pointed out.

"Do something about it," he demanded.

Many ideas came to my head on the subject, but I ended up following my instinct. I grabbed his hand, and slowly led him back to the bed. I made sure to walk in a provocative way, knowing his eyes were fixed on my butt. I stopped at the foot of his bed, turning around to face him. There was hardly any space left. I lowered my hands at the bottom of his abdomen, where his happy trail began. I stretched out the thin cloth, dragging it down his thighs. He helped me by taking them off entirely. It was my turn to stare at his bare body, starting from his feet. I took every small detail in, out of wonder. Kyuhyun became coy for the first time, crossing his arms across his chest, looking away.

"Can I see that part?" I asked meekly.

My eyes had already traveled up his lower body, and were on his upper torso, the part where he was hiding with his arms. He nodded silently, dropping his arms to the side. Then I saw what he had been so careful covering up was a scar on his chest. It was a harsh scar, the kind that made someone's skin crawl just imagining the pain induced. I lightly trailed my fingers on it, he shivered at my tap.

"Sorry," I apologized. "I just really like scars, and yours is the nicest one I've seen."

"You like scars?"

"Yes," I admitted. "I have a few myself if you didn't notice. I got them from being clumsy."

"Of course you did," he said, there was a sad look in his eyes.

"It's the scar from the accident, isn't it?" I tried to phrase the question gently, not trying to sound rude and improper.

"Yeah," he exhaled. "It reminds me every day how lucky I am to be alive."

"Why don't you like showing it?"

"It isn't exactly 'idol' like to have such a scar," he rolled his eyes, avoiding to get deeper into the subject.

"Screw that, I like it," I assured him. "I think it makes you look sexy."

"Ah yeah?"

He was back to his cocky attitude that I liked so much. I advanced to him, the small distance between us eliminated. I pecked short kisses on his jawline, he didn't lose time enclosing me in his arms tightly. Our forms smoothing against each other. The sensation of his skin against mine, in every inch of my body flickered a light in each of us. Not much after, Kyuhyun led me back to the foot of his bed. I let both of our bodies drop on the bouncy mattress. His mouth enclosed on my own, the rest of his body busy exploring mine. My hands, too, were searching around every part I could find. I stroked his built biceps, abdominal, and muscular back. One of his hands was clutching my butt, the other was running out of places to tickle. All except one.

"Penny-ah," he breathed, putting his hand between my thighs.

I moaned in surprise, "Mmm."

"Can I?"

"I'm a virgin," I lied.

"Bullshit. A virgin doesn't know how to do what you've been doing," he growled. "You know I'm going to do it anyway, because I know you want me to."

"Then why are you asking?"

"It was just a warning," his eyes became predatory again.

This time, I was more excited than before. My senses were all heightened, and I was ready to continue. His fingers carefully split my legs apart, giving him more space to do as he wished. He rubbed all around my nether region, quickly getting me wet. I let out an animalistic whine, diving into the pleasure. I guessed that it turned him own, his boner twitched against my thigh. I decided it was time to pay attention to it, and slipped my hand to firmly grasp it. He groaned at my touch, but it only made him increase his speed on me. I slid my palm from the base to the tip, back and forth. The faster I went, the faster he did. We began to pant heavier, on the verge of letting out more untamed sounds. His lips came to mine, making sure to dig into it with his tongue. I sank my gritted my teeth on his lower lip, a grunt emerging from the back of his throat. His fingers were incredibly close to my opening, lingering in a way that drove me mad.

"Please," I begged.

He scoffed, "No."

"Dammit, Kyuhyun," I squeezed his member a bit harder in my hand.

He groaned, "Fuck."

"Please," I repeated.

He finally slithered in two fingers in my core. The feeling was just what my hormones were asking for. I arched my hips, attempting to slide them in deeper. I wept in pure bliss. As horny as I was, I had to return the favor. I glided my thumb up his shaft, brushing it on the tip slowly. He whimpered, shaking above me. I continued the movement, and he continued to finger me. We were gasping into each other, both getting fuller of desire. He removed his fingers from me, and pushed away. His length was out of my hand.

With his hips, he dove between my legs. His manhood rested on top of my wet crotch. It tingled, hitting the right spot. I jerked, a small moan left my mouth. Kyuhyun was hard, and nothing enticed me more. He hovered closer to me, his eyes settling down on me. He bent down to capture my lips with his. I kissed him with all the power inside, letting him know how needy I had become of him. My hands went twined in his hair again, tugging it a bit harder. He almost dropped his entire weight on top of me, our loins rubbing together heatedly. My heart was palpitating out of control. Just when I thought that I couldn't become any more turned on, he pecked his way to my ear.

"I want you so bad," he whispered.

It sent chills down my hot frame. His lips rested on my earlobe, not showing any signs of moving from there. He continued to breathe into my ear, as he grounded his body on mine. At first it was slow, then it gradually got faster. His throbbing rod against my, now soaking, groin. The headboard of the bed started to hit the wall with loud thuds.

"Just fuck me," I demanded.

"Ask nicer," he snarled.

"Oppa, please fuck me," I begged.

Suddenly his tip was at my entrance. I quivered at the sensation, knowing that at any moment, he was going to be inside of me. He teasingly slid it around, without penetrating, for what seemed an eternity. It only made go out of control. I dug my nails on his back, making sure to leave some scratches. He grunted in complain.

"You're going to regret that," he promised.

He didn't allow me to voice my sassy remark. His tip was finally in, but that was it. I clenched my nails deeper. In a second, he slammed into me, full force. I wailed, arching my back, pleading for more. He tore my hands away from his back, clamping them above my head. As much as I tried to let go of his hold, I couldn't, he was much stronger than I. He pounded me roughly, driving me closer to the edge of bliss.

"You feel so damn good, Penelope," he closed his eyes in ecstasy.

I bit my lip as hard as I could, trying to contain myself, squeezing my eyes shut for assurance. Kyuhyun shifted, thrusting at a needier speed. His name slipped my mouth like a continuous prayer; it drove him crazy. He leaned over, nuzzling my neck. He licked a trail to my collar bone, where he began to nibble. He eventually let go of my hands, only to cling to my sides for better control. I threw my tangled my fingers in his hair again, only to yank it. He enjoyed the pain, but in return dipped at a different angle, tapping the right spot in me. I tried to move my hips in rhythm with his, but he didn't allow it. He buckled me down with a strong shove. I was riding on the edge of euphoria, I could feel it right around the corner. I clenched around him involuntarily, as he gasped, the air blown out of him. He slammed into me as hard as he could. I moaned out loudly, opening my eyes. He glanced down at me, his lids drunk with desire.

His pace was getting faster, harsher. I could sense he was about to finish, I could feel him pulsing inside. I clasped on his shaft, hoping to see him lose it. The tightness did as much for him as it did for me. I shook under him, spiraling into what seems to be heaven. My toes curled, and a choked scream escaped from me. My body went rigid, finally reaching my peak. Kyuhyun groaned at the sight, but continued to ram in, giving me aftershocks. I made sure to pay attention to his face, as his eyes rolled all the way back. He slammed one last time, grunting heavily, as the hot fluid filled me. We lay there, trembling against each other, seeking to regulate our breathing. He rolled off of me, and to my side. Sweat covering our bodies from the intense workout.

"Wow," was all I could muster.

"Can you walk?" He grinned.

I laughed, "Not right this moment, no. I've never done that before."

"Please, with moves like that, I'm DEFINITE you're not innocent."

"I'm not, but I've never done it quite like that..."

He frowned, "Different?"

"In a very good way," I assured him.

"Come here," he pulled me into his arms. "What we just started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?"

"It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss," I sang. "The Killers are a great band. You have good pillow talk."

He chuckled, "You are a dirty little pig."

"And you're a naughty little boy."

He shrugged, "Don't act like you didn't enjoy it."

I couldn't deny that even if I tried. We both knew all too well what had just happened wasn't an act. He pecked my forehead lightly, almost as a reward.

"Wait," he stopped breathing. "No condom."

"I'm on birth control," I promised.

"Smart girl."

I pushed myself off, and jumped to my feet. "I need to go clean up."

"I'm hungry, I'll make us something to eat," he trailed after me. "But first, let's put on some clothes."

"We're home alone," I reminded him.

"You want one of the guys to burst in unexpectedly to see you naked?"

"Eh, they've already seen me naked," I retorted.

"Yeah, I dont' want them to see you naked. You're mine now," he glared at me.

I giggled, "Fine, fine. I'll go get dressed in my room."

"Here, just put this on for now," he threw his dress shirt at me, along with my panties.

He slipped back into his slacks, buttoning them shut. I slid back into my undies, and began to button the shirt carefully. Kyuhyun approached me, and helped me button the last button. We shared a smile, and made our way out to the kitchen.

"Noodles?" He suggested.

I nodded, "Perfect."

I watched as he prepared the noodles. His bare back glistening in the light.

"YAH! What are you looking at? Stop being lazy and help me! I'm not your slave," he complained.

"I'm going, I'm going, aish," I smirked.

Together we began to "cook". He began to sweetly sing a song, that I instantly recognized. Cooking? Cooking! by the infamous Super Junior-H. I did the simple choreography, bumping into him clumsily. He didn't mind, he just placed his arm around my waist, and kissed my nose.


AGH. AGH. AGH. Penny and Kyu just did the deed like neanderthals. Does that make her a slut? Are we going to slut shame her now? Let me know what chu think. By the way, This wasn't a surprise smut chapter, I totally gave all of you clues on my message board. So you had been warned (SO SO SO SO SO SORRY IF ANY OF YOU DIDN'T LIKE HOW DETAILED AND GROSS IT WAS, AND IT PROBABLY MADE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE ;___; please love me). But it shouldn't really be a surprise, as I had decided in the past that this was going to be mature. Obviously this scene was full fledged detailed, and could be added to Fifty Shades of Grey. >.> (Seungri's song..because well it's just as sexual as this chapter).

Also thank you for all the voting, the commenting, the fucking reads that reached 89K. LIKE WOW. COME HERE AND LET ME LOVE YOU. And thank you for the follows too :3

Hot For Tutor (Super Junior/슈퍼주니어 Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin