Chapter 32

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Penny hugged me tighter with the sound of each boom from the thunder. I rubbed her back in hopes of calming her down. 

"Can we go to my room? It's scary looking around the completely dark dorm. I feel like the girl from The Grudge is about to start crawling around," she mumbled like a terrified child. 

I nodded, "Alright, let's go." I picked her small body up in my arms again, carrying her to her room. 

She giggled again, causing her eyes to crinkle into half moons. "Are you going to keep carrying me around?" 

"Of course! The princess has been injured, and I, as the black knight, must do what I can to keep her safe and sound!" 

"If you're my black knight, shouldn't you be riding a white horse?" 

"I left him in the shop, the brakes were a little iffy," I joked. 

Her laughter filled the empty hallway, echoing off the walls, and startling her. We reached her bedroom, which was only lit by the ongoing lightning show outside. I placed Penny on her bed, then went to her candles. 

"Where's the lighter?" 

She pointed me to the drawer in her desk, before tending to her knee. I sparked the candles to life, finally able to see a bit better. Penelope waved me to join her on the bed. 

"Better?" I asked. 

"Much better," she propped her head on my shoulder.

"How does your room protect you from monsters? For all we know she could be hiding under the bed..." 

"YAH! Don't say that. My room is a lot smaller so I could probably spot her easier," she quickly picked up her legs that had been dangling off the edge of the bed.  

"Why do you watch so many horror movies? You're clearly a scaredy cat." 

"I like being afraid. It's like my guilty pleasure," she confessed. 

I raised an eyebrow and eyed her suspiciously. 

"What?  Don't you have a pleasure that makes you feel guilty? Everyone does." 

"Hmmmmm, you." 

"ME? How do I make you feel guilty?" Penny pouted. 

"I love spending time with you, I love that we get along so well. I love the fact that I can be so at ease with you, and you with me.  You're the type of girl that doesn't know how amazing she is, and how easy it is for men to fall in love with her. I'm sure you have at least two guys here going crazy, besides me. It makes me feel guilty that I'm being so selfish with you, that I get special treatment. What makes me better than them?" I shook my head. 

"PFT, whaaa? Oh, silly, silly Fishie. You shouldn't feel guilty just because I'm in love with you and not them. I obviously clicked better with you than the rest. I obviously fell in love with you for the best reasons. You're better for me than the rest. I could care less who likes me," she cringed at the thought of one of the guys liking her. "All that matters is that you feel the same way about me. You clearly have no idea  what you're talking about, have you seen the person that you are? Like OH MY GOD, LEE DONGHAE, LOOK AT YOURSELF. You're so unbelievably humble, you're absolutely the sweetest man I've ever encountered! From the first time we met, you welcomed me with open arms, even if we couldn't understand each other...You always help any one out, in every way you can. Your heart is so pure, and it's probably filled with candy and rainbows- I dunno. What more reason do you need? You're the embodiment of perfection," she sighed. 

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