Chapter 40

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I was awakened by the shouts coming from the hall, heading towards my room. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. The thoughts of what had happened before I passed out, came rushing back. My room was still dark, it was still night, meaning...



"OH MY..." 

The room was bright, Danielle had switched the lights on. I searched around for Donghae to realize he wasn't there anymore, I was still naked, and the sheets weren't covering much at the time. I was sitting, in front of Danielle, Zhou Mi, and Leeteuk, who had quickly turned around. I gathered as much of the sheets as I could and wrapped them around my body. 

"What's going on?" Henry walked through the open door a bit shaken.  "Penny! Why are you...what did you...WHAT?" 

My cheeks boiled hot. There were only so many embarrassing moments a person could have before they gave up on life. 

"What happened?" Donghae stepped into the room, fresh from the shower. His hair still wet, dripped water on the floor. "Oh..."

"Penelope, why are you naked when you're home alone with Donghae? Is there something going on with you two that I should be aware of?" Leeteuk's voice was cold enough to freeze over hell. 

"I...I..." I stuttered, for the first time my wit failed me. 

"No, hyung. We just ate a couple of hours ago, she got sleepy, and came to her room for a nap. I went out for a quick run and showered in the mean time," Donghae tried to calm Leeteuk down. 

"Then why are you naked?" 

"I sometimes enjoy sleeping naked. I feel more comfortable. I thought it would be the perfect time to do so, since everyone was out. And Donghae had mentioned he was going out for a quick," I lied. 

Leeteuk nodded, "I see. But I ask of you to be more careful. You're living in a dorm with thirteen other men, it isn't appropriate behavior, because then scenes like these occur."

"Yeah, remember the tub incident?" Henry pointed out. 

Ah, who could forget the time everyone got to see my body hardly covered by bubbles? Good times, good times. 

 "Wait a minute, all could be avoided if a few of us learned how to knock," I glared. 

Leeteuk snickered, "Yeah, that sounds like a plan. We'll promise to knock and shout as a warning whenever you think you're alone." 

I smiled, "There, now incidents like these won't ever happen again." 

"So do you like sleep naked at night?" Henry tilted his head like a puppy, curious. 

"No! Of course not! I know either Sungmin, Yesung, Ryeowook, Zhou Mi, or you would barge in at random hours of the night. I only did this just once cause I was alone for the most part...that and I was in need of an amazing nap." 

"Amazing naps require you to be naked?" 

"Mhm, far more liberating and relaxing. Your whole body's senses are awakened. The softness of everything around you is just wow, you guys should try it sometime." 

"I think I will," Leeteuk was sold on the idea of sleeping, naked or not. 

"Please lock the door if you do," Zhou Mi shuddered. 

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