Chapter 38

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"Gus! Get your fluffy little butt back here NOW!"  Penny ran out the hallway chasing the small puppy, still a slight limp in her step. He barked happily, excited about being chased.

Heechul strolled casually behind her, smiling and shaking his head. "You know he hasn't learned his name yet, Penelope." 

She  stopped running, and tapped her chin. "You're right. Maybe if I repeat it to him he'll learn it faster!" She finally caught up to the pup and picked him up. "Gus, your name is GUS. G-U-S. Gustavo, GUSTAV. GUS. GUS GUS GUS GUS," she held Gus up to her face. His eyes studied her face before licking her various times. Penny giggled, returning the love by kissing his fur. 

"Penny?" Leeteuk reached out for her shoulder. "Are you alright?" 

"Yeah. I'm fine, oppa! Look at the puppy Heechul oppa gave me! Isn't he the cutest?" She continued to play with the tiny ball of fur. 

Leeteuk did a double take, "Wait, what? Since when does she call you oppa? I'm not happy with this change." 

Heechul shrugged, "I guess we're on good terms now." 

"BUT YOU ONLY CALLED ME OPPA! I WAS SPECIAL!!!" Leeteuk wailed at Penny. 

She kissed his cheek, "You still are special, Teukie oppa." 

"No, it's too late. My feelings have been hurt," he turned away. 

"Oppa~" Penny sang. She had natural aegyo, hard to resist. Leeteuk gave in, pecking her cheek as well. 

"You're too cute, Penelope," he chuckled. "Now seriously speaking, how are you feeling about this whole mess?" 

She put down Gus, letting him roam around freely. She glanced around the room, switching back to mature mode. All of us were still at the dorm, our busy schedules wouldn't start for another hour. She hadn't expected everyone's attention. 

"Isolation helped. I feel refreshed after sleeping that long. Honestly, I don't really want to talk about it, I wan't to move forward. I just beg of you all to keep it a secret," her head bowed, avoiding all eyes. 

"Of course, Penelope! We're just worried about you," Zhou Mi said. 

Her head shot up, smiling. "You guys don't have to worry about me, I'm a tough kitty. I just need to be more cautious. I'm extremely grateful for Heechul oppa and Sungminnie coming to my rescue!" She went to Sungmin, hugging him close. "Seriously, Minnie. You kicked so much butt yesterday! Thank you, thank you, thank you~ Even if you scared me..."

"I scared you? ME?" Sungmin gasped.

"Yes you! You growled. I thought you were going to bite me..."

"I could never hurt you! I'll always be here to defend you...and I was actually thinking of teaching you some self defense, you know...just in case," he pushed away, keeping his hand on her waist.

Penny nodded, "I'd love to take some lessons!  OOOOH, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!" 

"Penminnie time~" They both sang in unison, bouncing with happiness. 

"We're really glad you're okay, Penny," Siwon gently pushed off Sungmin, to embrace her. 

Ryeowook and  Yesung didn't stand for such discrimination, and crowded around Penny. 

"Aigoo~ I must join!" Eunhyuk jumped up and hugged her too. 

I laughed, poor Penelope was being suffocated, but ended up melting in  the giant group hug. It became a giant bunch, eleven guys surrounding a small girl. 

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