Chapter 14

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I wasn't able to sleep. I felt like a dog chasing its tail, but instead of chasing my tail, I was going around in circles with thoughts, always endless. I couldn't believe she would suggest such a radical idea! If she wanted to get rid of me she could have just said so. Fortunately, throughout the few months we had been getting to know each other, I learned a lot about how her mind worked: impulsively. I have a bad way of handling bad situations, almost always with anger, or a deep sadness. I then remembered, I had promised to not make the wrong assumptions of her. Well if I can't assume the worst from her, I might as well get a peek into her way of thinking. Who knew her better than dear old Wookie. 

I knocked on the door lightly. No answer. I knocked louder.

"WAHHHH. What do you want at this hour?" Ryeowook opened the door. 

"Can I talk to you?"

"NOW?" He saw the desperation in my eyes and walked out, leading me to the living room. 

"Make it quick. I need my beauty sleep!" 

"You're good friends with Penny, right? You guys engage in conversation always cook together, clean together, get haircuts together-"

"Cut to the chase, Hae." 

"Does she tell you her secrets?" I was really hoping Penny disobeyed the rules and told someone, as I had, about our "relationship". 

Ryeowook's eyes bulged, suddenly awake, "Perhaps..." 

Wow, Wookie, you're a terrible liar. You can't even look me in the general face area. 

"You know about the guy Penny's got a crush on, right?" I tested his knowledge.


"What has she told you about him?  They still together?" I pressured. 

"....she may have mentioned it, a tad bit." 

Don't look away, now I know you know, that I know that YOU know. 

I stared at him, not blinking, it only took so long before...



--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --


Penny's going to kill me when she finds out Donghae knows I know what I shouldn't know. 

"Tell me everything she said before going to bed." 

This fishie's so demanding, geez. 

"I'll tell you after you tell me why you're such a horrible listener!" 

Donghae has never been the best person to argue with. He'd never let you talk, he'd just yell without thinking, then regret his quick anger after realizing how stupid he was. 

"Maybe you would have found out her reasons if you would've shut up and LISTENED." I sighed, this wasn't going to be easy. 

He looked down, "She could have started with the reasoning BEFORE giving me her wild idea...DOES SHE EVEN LIKE ME? OR IS SHE PLAYING WITH ME?" 

At that moment I would have loved to have recorded my conversation earlier with Pen. 

-le wild flashback- 

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