Chapter 64 (FIN)

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"And voila, I win AGAIN!" Henry chuckled victoriously. 

I frowned, "Best eleven out of twenty?" 

"Okay, but after this we play what I want to play." 

"Deal," I sketched out another messy tic tac toe grid on the notebook paper. "You go first." 

"Pennyyyy~" Sungmin tapped my shoulder. "What do you want to do when we get to Tokyo?" 

"Shopping!" Zhou Mi answered for me. "I'm SO with you on this plan. Tokyo street fashion isn't quite my style, but it's to die for." 

"Yes, I do need an outfit to wear to a concert," I agreed. 

"Super Show Five?" Yesung twisted his head towards us. 

"Uh...Yeah, totally, yeah," I lied. 

"You hesitated!" he glared. "You're not talking about OUR concert you're talking about some other concert. Who's more important than us, huh?!?!?!? Someone we should know about? Are they cuter? What kind of music do they play? Can they even sing?" 

"It's some GazettE," Kyuhyun snarled. "What kind of name is that?! They're probably not even good." 

"What would you know? You never even heard of them," I shot back. 

"I've heard about them," Sungmin smiled. "They're pretty mainstream in Japan, they're a  rock band." 

"You mean the embodiment of sex?" I exhaled, mental images of Uruha's fingers easily shredding on the guitar before me became vivid. "Their earlier stuff is without a doubt their best work, but who am I to complain about it? I finally get to see them in the flesh." 

"THESE ARE THE GUYS THAT ARE THE 'EMBODIMENT OF SEX' TO YOU?!?!?!" Kyuhyun shrieked. "Are you a lesbian?! They all look like girls!" 

"Says the guy who dressed up like a girl and liked it," Sungmin pointed out. "Ooh, click on that one. He looks interesting." 

I turned back, "Did you look them up?" 

"I just wanted to see what you were so eager about," KyuhyUGH shrugged. "Nothing special." 

"You're just jealous she doesn't get as excited to be around you as she is just imagining about being in the same air they are," Eunhyuk laughed. 

"Do you think we'll run into Miyavi? He was my first J-Rock love," I tilted my head filled with hope. "Now he has some talented hands." 

"What is he a porn star on the side?" Henry joked. 

I giggled, "You would know about Japanese porn." 

"Give me ONE reason not to watch it," he said in English. 

"Because," I sat up sure of an answer. "When you're right, Lau, you're right," I slumped back down in defeat. "Can you take me to the Nintendo wonder world?" 

"Me?! What about your boyfriend? Or your brother?" 

"Uh, no, they're being little shits at the moment, so no. I prefer you." 

"How about we make a day out of it? We can hit up all the hot spots in Tokyo! Just you, me, Zhou Mi, Ryeowook-" 

"And Yesung and Sungmin," I added. 

"MY NAME SHOULD BE IN THERE!" Mateo shouted from his seat. "Stupid sister!" he returned to his conversation with Siwon quickly. 

"I only know him by association," I yawned. "Aren't you sleepy?" 

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