Chapter 35

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"Can I open my eyes now?" 

Henry didn't want to tell me where he was taking me. He had picked me up early in the morning, that way we could spend more time together, if a whole day wasn't enough, God forbid I'd have to move permanently. 

"NO! Keep your hands on your eyes, missy!" 

"I don't even know any of the streets! I wouldn't be able to guess anyways...besides, how do you know I'm not peeking through the cracks of my fingers?" 


I laughed at his angry yell. We had spent a lot of time together since Friday night. We didn't have much in common, but the chemistry was undeniable. 

"Okay, we're here, STAY!" 

 I felt the car come to a stop. Henry slammed his door shut, not two seconds later the door to my side was open. I started to drop my hands, when he stopped me. 

"Leave them there...." He unbuckled the belt, and led me out of the seat. I heard the alarm beep, along with a less busy street. His hands rested on my hips, gently leading the way. I sniffed the air around, trying to figure out where we were.

Henry grabbed my hands and removed them from my face. I opened my eyes to find myself at an arcade. It was almost empty, only three other couples were seen. The place was quite big, it had many games too choose from. 

A large smile grew on my face, "This is so awesome!" 

"You really like it?" Henry stuck his hands in his pockets nervously, not expecting me to be so excited about it. 

"OF COURSE I DO! I haven't been in an arcade since I took my little sister to Chuck E. Cheese! But damn, this place is NOTHING compared to that. How did you know to bring me here?" 

"Well, the other day you were telling me about how you always enjoyed playing games, so I thought, you wouldn't mind," he smiled sheepishly. 

I punched his arm playfully, "and I will totally kick your butt at every game!" 

"Ah? You beat me? PUHLEASE, in your dreams. I've been training with the most skilled of gamers for years," he grinned menacingly. "LAST ONE TO THE  CAR RACES IS A ROTTEN EGG!" He ran off. 

He was such a kid. I shook my head, until I realized I was far too behind him, and I no intentions of being a rotten egg that day. I sped up behind him, reaching the mechanical seats, with the wheels and stick shift. 

"Here," he handed me a cup full of coins, he had definitely prepared for today's events. 

We raced for a good while, after a few minutes, my eyes grew tired. I blinked multiple times, I didn't want to lose one more time. He was actually far better than I had thought, he won EVERY SINGLE time. I challenged him to a game of whack-a-mole, which I happened to be expert on. He was not one to accept defeat easily, he invited me to a game of basketball. 

The goal of the game was to make as many balls into the basket as you could in ninety seconds. There were five balls available for each of us. The game started, and I stared in awe while Henry made two baskets without a struggle. I decided I wasn't going to lose, I wanted bragging rights! I gripped the ball in my hands, aimed and threw it. It was so embarrassing, the ball hit the protective glass on the side, about a foot away from the basket. Henry laughed and reenacted my shot. 

"Let me show you," he walked behind me, grabbing my arms with his hands. "Aim like this...Okay now when you have your desired aim, jump. Your arms are too short for this...actually you're just short in general," his body towered over me, enabling him to rest his chin on my head comfortably. 

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